Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The weekend was hot ! We had a nice outing to the Beach on Saturday and it was great to catch up with everyone. It was so hot though the sand could burn your feet and there was no breeze, which for a beach trip was a bummer.  The day was still sunny and nice though.

More from the Files of the Great Purge:
Saturday: day 497 of the sorting..... ok just kidding I finally made it to my own room which I had been dying to get to all week. The room was scary, I love Sam but picking up after himself is not one of his virtues. So after cleaning I was finally able to sort. I was looking forward to that great satisfaction of accomplishment of cleaning. I had  a wonderful time with the other rooms. I did take out 2 garage sale boxes , 3 bags of garbage, and a bag for the thrift store and yet I feel like I really didn't clean out enough. It could have been the day though it was hot too.

I will say that since this whole thing has started I have felt wonderful about the sorting. I am not really a pack rat but there are so many things I have held onto because " I should" which is a re occurring theme in my life. So metaphorically speaking I feel like I am shedding that burden too. I know it sounds corny but I really feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I have wanted to go through things for awhile but, felt like I needed a reason or permission so to speak to rid myself of this thick shell. I feel a lot better about so many things. I always have trouble letting go of all kinds of things and while I have gotten better at this I am still a work in progress. Why is it we feel we need permission to do something?  We are adults and should be able to unburden ourselves from all kinds of baggage; the literal and figurative kind.

I have also been donating things to various places I know could use whatever it is I am donating and I love that feeling to like something will get new life and be loved again the way it should be. This is also a great positive feedback cycle.

So I say to all of you reading these silly ramblings BE FREE !!!! I hear by give you permission to sort out all of your baggage whatever it is you have been putting off... the attic the basement the closet whatever ;or any other type of baggage you have had lurking wishing to divest yourself of. GO FOR IT !!!!!

Oddly enough I finally started to simplify and it feels great. I once read that book about " Don't sweat the small stuff" and though wow this sounds great to clear clutter. I thought I was but, I had more to go. I guess it is also true when you are ready to clear the dust away you will. I have let go of a lot more of the clutter in my head and in my house and it feels very good.


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Oh it is so great to unclutter. Very feng shui and brings all kinds of great things into your life. I am ready for a round of that, myself.

rachael said...

You've been tagged. Check out my blog...