Monday, June 2, 2008

Back to procrastinating......

well, is it procrastinating if I throw in 1 husband 2 twins... 2 filed trips a sleep study Econ homework/quizzes and discussions , one kid golf outing, out of town guests with a smattering of 5 year old drama?

Last week was nothing short of the usual Bendet drama.. with all of the flair and flavor for several epic novels.

After the Tale of the trees came the Tuesday after and that meant one class filed trip to the zoo with 50 5 year olds.... I had agreed to be one of the parents to come
 along. This was a day of great excitement for H all he wanted to do was ride the bus to the zoo a real school bus !!!!!! so after 1 hour and 20 minutes of bus riding fun we arrived at the zoo ! Just H and I off for the day while wandering at the zoo bumping into fellow c
lass mates. The perfect day the sun was shining a cool breeze. H's favorite thing at the zoo... the snake house? the 
giraffe's? the elephants? no just the bus ride there and back :)

upon arriving home came the parent teacher meeting for older T it went ok better than the last so I am happy for that.
The dreaded Econ 102 started.... and so did the quizzes about supply and demand.... however the drama of my own supply and demand seemed enough economic torture for me.... Supply one Mom demand.... 4 kids one husband 400 lbs of laundry 4 doctor appointments 2 filed trips etc.....

Wednesday came Sam was brave and had 3 of the 4 kids for 3 hours ... he passed with flying colors when I came to pick everyone up they were quiet smiling and each kid had a balloon ! not bad Dad way to go !!!! and another quiz more econ discussion.

Thursday came and there were 2 doctors appointment another quiz
more discussions for class and then my own sleep study . Yes after years of bad sleep and countless tales of my sleep walking talking and creaming the thrashing and so forth I finally get a sleep study to see if there is more than 4 kids to my lack of sleep. they stuck glue in my hair and some weird thing up my nose then told me to sleep at 9 pm....... yeah.. alrighty then and then for good measure they woke me up at 5 am

moving onto Friday and the next field trip this time the 4th grade wonder T had his class trip to a coastal nature/dunes area...50 4th graders on a bus and an hour trip later we were at the lake doing leaf rubbings and spotting birds in the lake. Later was lunch at the very windy beach... with a side of sand .. and finally a chance to Dune Dive in the 50 ft 
tall dunes with more wind and sand..... 3 days later the sand was finally
 washed out of my hair but T was happy to have me for the trip and we had some time to hang out so this is good. Bus ride back and more undiscovered sand. time to clean for company coming...oh and 2 quizzes and more discussion.

Saturday H had T-ball he did well he is getting better at hitting the ball and likes to run so this is great. Our company had a blast visiting to a quick lunch at the game and then it was off to Golf.  Big kid's golf event at a nearby golf resort by the beach. What could be better Kids the
 Beach and a golf.  T & H had a blast P & S had fun back at home napping with Nan. so T & H had so much fun honing their golf skills and enjoying the day with Dad !

phew it is Sunday  and now it was off for some fun. I had a chance to see a grown up movie in a real theater.. I went to Sex in the City with my mom.... I cried a lot but overall it was good. then Costco run where they were out of everything I needed..... so was target oh curse the rural area where we live ! oh and another quiz.......

So it's Monday again and kids are at school and twins are napping and an Econ quiz needs to be taken again but man I would so rather be procrastinating here. :)

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