Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Holiday Party

Sam's work place held a beautiful holiday dinner. It was held at a local art gallery/ theater and it was very unique. There was a lot of modern art mixed with some very traditional local historical pieces. The food was fabulous, it was so nice to be out. Sam's co-workers are very nice and it was fun to talk about places they have traveled and get to know everyone better.

 Happy Holiday's everyone !

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Ballet, another tooth and a holiday party......

Feel like the title leaves you humming the twelve days of Christmas..... that has been the last month..... The end of the week was a whirlwind of activity, I really enjoyed it though. Remember 22 days ago I stood in line for three hours to get tickets to the ballet; well we finally got to see the ballet. This is not any ballet it is the St. Petersburg Ballet performing the Nutcracker. I was so excited. Growing up my family alternated seeing The Nutcracker and A Christmas Carol at our local Theaters. I loved it, of course I loved the ballet still do. Between the nights we went to the symphony and the ballet I am so grateful to my parents I had those experiences. To this day when I sit at the ballet I feel transported to another world my heart feels alive I become part of the theater. It and the symphony are some of the few moments I am able to turn my mind off and truly live in the moment. I have tried where ever we have lived to take our kids to any type of theater or musical production to give them this same escape, to give them creative minds. Sometimes this is harder to accomplish, as we have lived in some very remote places. The kids have never been to the ballet, and to be able to take them to this was amazing. I love the Russian composers their music is so passionate and mover it is full of emotion and thought, it is impossible not to be captivated. To see the Russian ballet perform one of their own pieces and such a famous one....a once and a lifetime moment. I was so excited I could hardly wait until the 19th !!!!! Sam has never been to the ballet either so it was really fun to share this with him. Yes, I really took the twins to the ballet. The kids really enjoyed it too, I actually didn't say much to any of them I wanted to see their reactions to the ballet. Sam thinks that it was ok, but he will skip the next one :) T liked that it was about a nutcracker, a favorite of his. T also told me it made him sleepy. H said the best part was the great battle between the soldiers and the mouse king, and the music. H thinks the rest is just to girlie though. P & S enjoyed the show there was only one hairy moment where I thought we might loose it, but then the solos came and it was all better. Both P & S were mimicking the arm movements of the dancers on the car ride home so they must have liked something. It reminded me of the year we took the boys to New York City, and we took them to see the Chinese acrobats. H was the same age that the twins are now and I remember him trying to do acrobat stunts for at least a week. It was such a wonderful night. Another new experience for all of us we saw a ballet in Germany, a Russian ballet in Germany. Oh and more is to come on the holiday party and the missing tooth.........


Finally... I know I have listed this one last even though I went to this market first... But,  I forgot my camera the day I went to this market. It's ok it has been my favorite market and so it was the perfect excuse to go back for another visit.

 This town is about 12 miles from where we live and part of the greater Stuttgart area.

 Also home to the pumpkin festival I featured here back in october.

 I really enjoy this town it is beautiful. The market is so much fun and full of very traditional German things. 

The atmosphere is welcoming and very kids friendly the market is set up in a circular fashion so it is easy to make it to all of the booths. 

This trip back for pictures I had H with me so that was fun he rode the carousel/car ride. 

I thought it was funny that the cars had license plates from various states in the US. We walked and took in the atmosphere the day we visited the second time they had carolers and other kids playing music and performing. 

This is truly a charming market and next year it will be my first stop also. I just loved it.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Heidelberg and the next market

It has almost become a quest to explore as many Christmas markets as possible this season. I want to understand the allure, the draw, the culture of the markets. I guess I figure what better way to understand this country and it's people than to celebrate the holidays with them. I do want to experience and enjoy our time here. I also want the kids to be enriched and get the most out of our time in a foreign country. I am also hoping that the festivities will help lift me from my frustration and angst. I know that it takes time to adjust, settle in, become accustom to new things. My type A personality is coming out again and I think I should be doing this so well with a splash of grader and grace. To make it all seem so effortless, flawless, perfect. It is not how it is, you are here in a strange place with a language barrier you feel foolish and struggle to get everyday tasks done. Something that should take 10 minutes takes hours. I know, a year from now I will look back and feel like a pro, I will wonder what all the angst was about. Right now however I wonder if I will ever be able to function like a normal person. 

This past Tuesday I hopped in the car on a whim ( thinking getting back to basic Heather would help) I took the twins and headed for the hills literally ..Heidelberg is in an area with mountains. I honestly didn't think it was that far away I thought maybe 20-30 miles..... 75 miles later I made it to Heidelberg. Yes, I could have turned back but, then I might have missed something ( 10 year old Heather is appearing now). 

Heidelberg is absolutely charming. It really is adorable and I hesitate to use that word as to minimize it's value. 

I loved the scenery it has colorful buildings, charming narrow streets. Which I drove a very large vehicle down.

 On some one way streets I feared it might mean my paint on the brick walls... but we made it YEAH ! 

The market was like all the other markets.... 

Stands with wooden carved arches, crepe's and the wonderful scent of roasted foods, a children's carousel and live animals in a nativity scene. P & S enjoyed food at the bakery.

 I loved the buildings and the cities proximity to the river.

 I have heard from many people that in the summer they have a lighting of the castle ceremony  with fireworks.

 After some research I found out they have three ceremonies in the summer for various historical reason's I can't wait to come back and enjoy these festivals.

 I learned that sometimes when we are searching for meaning that we don't need to always look far. The best Christmas market I have been to is the first one I went to in Ludwigsburg, 12 miles from home. I learned that while we would often like to be our younger selves sometimes age and experience make up for what we lose in impulsiveness, and that is ok.  Different kids view the world differently, I always knew this I just had a reminder on Tuesday. This is wonderful  that each one of our children is different and unique I actually love it.  As a crazy perfectionist type A mother I need to not worry about how I can  make the world happen for them perfectly........ and spend more time letting them find what the world is for them. I can't wait until the kids are like 20 so I can sit and hear their memories of our time here, what they liked what they remember, what they loved. Yes, even what crazy things they remember about me. I spent about an hour driving to Heidelberg looking for something. I spent 1/2 hour in Heidelberg and another hour driving home. I took 2 days for the reality to sink in.

 On December 22  it will be three months of living in Germany. I have made progress , I have taken the kids out adventuring, I have learned some good lessons. I have seen 5 Christmas Markets and now I can say I have experienced that. I's time for the New Year, New adventures and a New outlook.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stuttgart Christmas Market

While Sam was working hard I took the kids and went off to our very own cities Christmas market.

I of course made the mistake of going on a Saturday.....so it was so crowded we could barely move.

 However it was very exciting and full of festive smells and sights. The kids loved seeing all of the different scenes on the buildings and the lights.

 Stuttgart area has a lot of wooden crafts and the light carvings with the electric lights are very ornate, yet very light weight like balsam wood weight. 

This market we all enjoyed some Koinig cake. Which is gingerbread with almonds in it and this light glaze. It was a really fun day and really nice to finally see our city market.

 It was so cool to see them smoking the fish right there in front of the stand where they sold it. The process is really cool.

Now I have to tell you I also had an exceptional cultural learning day. German's are pretty black and white about things, at least in my experience it is what it is. However I haven't really felt the impact so acutely as I did this day. I never drive down to the Schlossplatz because it is a pedestrian area and parking is a nightmare here especially because we have a bigger vehicle. I had to drive here today because I had to drop Sam off at where he was taking pictures for the day. I braved finding a parking garage on my own. Not the big deal I could find several on the side streets. Now many people park illegally all over the side streets, I refuse to do so because the last thing I need to do is get into trouble with the law in a foreign country.... I parked in the parking garage ...which I will tell you if you have never seen a German parking garage before I deserve a medal for it. They take the term squeezed in like a sardine to  new level...... the spaces are small even for compact cars and they will put 4 spaces where we would put 2. Not to mention for some strange reason they think it is perfectly normal to put 2 spaces in between these huge concrete posts.......I have seen 2 inches between car doors and posts..... Sam and I have parked between them because there were no other spots and literally had to crawl out our sun roof to get out.... yes we took all the kids out first. Well today I had a spot...another out the sun roof moment..... I had my card for the garage.... after the market I went to the automated pay station..another German experience paying for parking at a station instead of when you leave......... this is where the day went awry...... the machine did not give me my ticket back !!!!!!!! it was a plastic card and usually you just get a paper ticket.....so it was different already I paid 5.40 euro..... which was painful enough for 2 hours of parking........ and it kept my card...well there was a guy at the door so I thought maybe this one worked different and I headed out..... of course the gate wouldn't open because I didn't have my card back UGH!!!!!! so after trying to get the guard to open the gate and trying to explain in gestures and broken German my card was eaten by the machine..... a lovely German woman came and offered to help........ the guard very grudgingly opened the machine for like 2 seconds and didn't see the card so he told me I would have to buy a new card for 20 euro !!!!!!!! I tried to tell him I paid and the machine ate my card..... the man with no change in his expression repeated the same thing over and over again..... the machine was working fine it was my fault and I would have to pay for a new card and I wasn't getting a refund...... of course it was on a day when the exchange rate was awful again so it was 1.39 to 1 euro....... I was livid and the guy just stood and stared at me like I was the crazy one...... stood and stared and he would have held me and my car hostage all day he could have cared less....and he did it with a straight face......... I was very naughty and I paid him  in english..which I knew he didn't understand I told him it was extortion and it was awful I had to pay for his machine's mistake I wanted my money back and I was angry..... I am an expressive person already...which makes the people here in Stuttgart stare at me anyway but I have learned to be clear and direct...... so I snatched the paper from him my card and told him again I was angry and gave him one of my best stares and glares.... he knew I was mad..... which is what I wanted... of course in the end I still had to give the highway robber 20 euro....on top of the 5.40..... to get out of the garage......... I know it was silly...I knew I wasn't going to win..... but seriously how stubborn can parking guy be...the machine ate my card !!!!! I will not go back to any parking garage again.......... I didn't want to in the first place.....so while the market was beautiful it has been the most costly by far..........Lesson of the day..when is a dispute with a parking attendant.... whether it is the machines fault or not you will pay...... I can't help but wonder if I had parked illegally and gotten caught would the ticket been less??? I know I know let it go....... but it was the machine's fault it started it........

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Parties

This past week Sam spent time photographing a wide range of events for work including some holiday parties related to AFRICOM.

  Just a few quick pictures .... I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and a wonderful New Year !

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Birthday 2

There are 2 little people who just turned 2.... The twins ! We had a small birthday party for the twins the day before their real Birthday. It was so fun to see them play with kids their age and S was beside herself to have a little girl to play with. Our Neighbors who have a 2 year old and another neighbor who has a 18 month old came to our party and S was a riot. The kids of course have different interest so S had Hello Kitty for her birthday theme...

she is a huge fan of the cute little kitty.

 P had Dinosaurs as he is a huge fan of those.... he makes the cutest "roar" sound whenever he sees one. So it was interesting of course each one had a cake and we played pin the bow on hello kitty and we made dinosaur feet....I can hardly believe they are 2 already ! Before I know it I will be taking them to school.....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Esslingen Christmas Market

I am a week behind I am sad to report we visited this market last Saturday.... But I promise to bring you up to date before the end of this week. Germany is famous for it's Christmas Markets and almost every city, town, village offers one. Our first one was actually back in November most markets open in late November around our Thanksgiving time.

 I forgot the camera however...yes I know how could I. We went to Ludwigsburg and it was a Baroque themed market. It was gorgous.... of course I was so upset I didn't have the camera...lucky for me the market is very close to home and before the season is over I will get pictures.

  At almost all the markets you will see wooden "huts" with decorations on the roof, many evergreen decorations and of course crafts from the region.

 Each market has it's own  design of mug and they serve hot Gluwein....which depending on the market can taste like warm cough syrup or delightful fruit treat. People love to collect mugs from different markets and view the variations of the market styles. Some towns have markets one weekend, or for one week and other larger cities have a market for a month.  You are encouraged to go to the markets during the week as the weekends they are so packed you can barley breath. I can tell you having gone to 4 markets now that weekdays are far more enjoyable. The markets also have local entertainment ranging from theater to singers and other musical performers, children's programs and evening parades. 

Esslingen is a Medieval themed Market. 

It felt more like attending a traditional renaissance fair in the states than it did a christmas market. 

I will say it is famous and people travel from near and far to go. The costumes were fun and the entertainers lively.

 I am so glad we went. The kids loved it. P & S got to see Nicholaus on the German holiday of St. Nicholaus. H got to ride the medieval ferris wheel powered by costumed jesters who teased me mercilessly.... we all had a very good laugh. Sam tried his first Gluwien.... it was his first market and yes of course we acquired a new mug. 

While there really wasn't shopping for traditional goods the production of the whole scene was very exciting. 

Ludwigsburg market is still my favorite. Esslingen is about 20 miles from Stuttgart and we picked up our tree here. The drive was really fun. 

The city of Esslingen has beautiful architechture. The buildings were gorgeous. 

The Neckar river also runs through this city and it winds and meaders through the downtown market place.

 It was so cool to see small pedestrian walkways criss crossing the river from one house to another. 

The colors of the buildings were beautiful as well and really cheered up the cold rainy weather. 

The town center has a very lively and festive red and green building with a unique shape.

 I have to tell you this building below is the old city wall....

....upon seeing this unique medieval wall H was absolutely mesmerized and excitedly exclaimed "it's the Great Wall of China Mom"...to which some German college age girls started giggling and smiled at H..... after a brief geography lesson H was even more fascinated to learn that cities actually needed walls during the medieval times.

 The market was unique and lively.I am anxious to see more of the varied markets and the various themes. I will keep you posted on the Christmas Markets !