Thursday, December 18, 2008

Heidelberg and the next market

It has almost become a quest to explore as many Christmas markets as possible this season. I want to understand the allure, the draw, the culture of the markets. I guess I figure what better way to understand this country and it's people than to celebrate the holidays with them. I do want to experience and enjoy our time here. I also want the kids to be enriched and get the most out of our time in a foreign country. I am also hoping that the festivities will help lift me from my frustration and angst. I know that it takes time to adjust, settle in, become accustom to new things. My type A personality is coming out again and I think I should be doing this so well with a splash of grader and grace. To make it all seem so effortless, flawless, perfect. It is not how it is, you are here in a strange place with a language barrier you feel foolish and struggle to get everyday tasks done. Something that should take 10 minutes takes hours. I know, a year from now I will look back and feel like a pro, I will wonder what all the angst was about. Right now however I wonder if I will ever be able to function like a normal person. 

This past Tuesday I hopped in the car on a whim ( thinking getting back to basic Heather would help) I took the twins and headed for the hills literally ..Heidelberg is in an area with mountains. I honestly didn't think it was that far away I thought maybe 20-30 miles..... 75 miles later I made it to Heidelberg. Yes, I could have turned back but, then I might have missed something ( 10 year old Heather is appearing now). 

Heidelberg is absolutely charming. It really is adorable and I hesitate to use that word as to minimize it's value. 

I loved the scenery it has colorful buildings, charming narrow streets. Which I drove a very large vehicle down.

 On some one way streets I feared it might mean my paint on the brick walls... but we made it YEAH ! 

The market was like all the other markets.... 

Stands with wooden carved arches, crepe's and the wonderful scent of roasted foods, a children's carousel and live animals in a nativity scene. P & S enjoyed food at the bakery.

 I loved the buildings and the cities proximity to the river.

 I have heard from many people that in the summer they have a lighting of the castle ceremony  with fireworks.

 After some research I found out they have three ceremonies in the summer for various historical reason's I can't wait to come back and enjoy these festivals.

 I learned that sometimes when we are searching for meaning that we don't need to always look far. The best Christmas market I have been to is the first one I went to in Ludwigsburg, 12 miles from home. I learned that while we would often like to be our younger selves sometimes age and experience make up for what we lose in impulsiveness, and that is ok.  Different kids view the world differently, I always knew this I just had a reminder on Tuesday. This is wonderful  that each one of our children is different and unique I actually love it.  As a crazy perfectionist type A mother I need to not worry about how I can  make the world happen for them perfectly........ and spend more time letting them find what the world is for them. I can't wait until the kids are like 20 so I can sit and hear their memories of our time here, what they liked what they remember, what they loved. Yes, even what crazy things they remember about me. I spent about an hour driving to Heidelberg looking for something. I spent 1/2 hour in Heidelberg and another hour driving home. I took 2 days for the reality to sink in.

 On December 22  it will be three months of living in Germany. I have made progress , I have taken the kids out adventuring, I have learned some good lessons. I have seen 5 Christmas Markets and now I can say I have experienced that. I's time for the New Year, New adventures and a New outlook.

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