Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Real Gyro Recipe....

In light of my recent misadventure in dinner.... I thought I would share the recipe for Gyros...the real ones the original.

Yummy Gyros

1/4 C olive oil
1/2 C. minced onion
2 garlic cloves minced
1 1/2 pound of lamb ( if you can get ground great if not cut a roast or cut down to strips)
2 TBL lemon Juice
2 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Rosemary
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
pita bread
lettuce shredded
sliced tomatoes
sliced cucumber
 and Tzatziki

Heat 2 TBL of the olive oil in a large saute pan add onion and cook until translucent. Add garlic and cook together for about 2 minutes. transfer mixture to a bowl. Cook the lamb, lemon juice, oregano, rosemary, cumin, salt and pepper together. Then combine mixture from bowl with meat mixture and cook together until meat is cooked through. Cut pita in half add meat, lettuce tomato, and cucumber with Tzatziki. Eat ,enjoy !

Tzatziki Sauce
2 C. plain yogurt or greek yogurt if you can get it
1 large cucumber
1 clove of garlic minced
1 TBL olive oil
1 TBL lemon Juice
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper

If you are using plain yogurt drain it first to give the sauce a thicker consistency. Take yogurt and grate cucumber into the yogurt. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Let sit for 30 minutes. Then serve chilled on Gyros.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Adventures with Dinner

So in just two days  I will reach the point where I have lived in Germany for 4 months.... I know it seems longer but really just a mere mind searing 4 months. Now a month ago I had the vocabulary of a two year old in German, which is aprapoe as the twins turned two. I would give myself 2 1/2 now as the last few weeks my vocabulary has soared. I am understanding a lot more of what people are saying to me, and while I may still answer them in gestures and broken German at least I am actually understanding what is being said so I can attempt some answer. I can almost completely order at the Bakery in German. Although there is a girl who works there who will answer me in English with a smile she must be about 19. I can ask her the names of things though and she has increased my bakery vocabulary greatly. One thing I have yet to learn and every-time I go to a market I smack my forehead for not learning is " How much does this cost?" I am able to read far more than I can speak and by reading something I am getting about 1/4 of the gist of whatever I am reading instead of total confusion. 

Why am I telling you all of this...... glad you asked. I have been bold shopping more and more out in the world and I have in the last week.... Thank you very much hunted and searched for new things on german websites.  Not to give myself to much credit I have a translation widgit on my mac dashboard to help. ( I know could you have imagined me a year ago uttering that phrase:)  It started with the legend of a Real near my house.... Real ( say REE -AL) is a German version of a super Wal-Mart. Don't get to excited for me I said a close German version still nothing like what a Wal-Mart is. They have a wonderful and large Grocery store however as close to an American grocery store as I will get for years.
Ok so side story here one of T's teacher's just came back from the states and before we started a conference with other of his teachers we were talking about her trip home she mentioned how she went to grocery store after grocery store in awe her family thought she was nuts for going so often just to browse... how sad is this 4 grown women pump her for information like kids on how big the aisles were how many varieties of things did she see did she eat this or that and oh did they have this or that .... I mean seriously over groceries.....

Ok back to Real so through the Mom network at the bus stop I finally got a lead on the Real near us ( the other one is 20 miles away) and I found out there actually is an indoor swimming pool with slides etc for the kids near the Real...another good tip especially because in the next 2 weeks the kids are off 4 days. I found out the name and hit the web I hunted the Real site and the Fildarado site and found the address for both places and took of with the GPS...... YES ladies and Gentlemen I sought them out found out info in German only using the translator for tough words and found them !!!!!

So really it about Real now... beautiful produce and meats etc. I have to tell you though beef is almost non existant... the German's in my region live for Pork I mean picture Buba going on about shrimp and that is the million and one dishes for pork here. I can find Lamb however and that brings us to the real story tonight. I have a fabulous recipe for Gyros, the kids and Sam love them and yes the sauce too. I can't get lamb on base so I have to get it out in the world. Which is fine but let me tell you I may cook meat ( I am a vegetarian) But I so prefer it in packages and not hanging in pieces at the butcher. Needless to say I have had some adjusting and what really gets me going is when they hand me this bloody piece of meat very fresh.....very fresh.... wrapped in paper..... wow. Yes, I am ok but it is adjustment. so I am at Real looking for lamb to make Gyros this week and next when we have company.  Now they call lamb Lamn in German so it isn't to hard for me to find it. However, I am in the frozen food section of Real and what do I see but a box of meat with the word Gyro on it !!!! Oh I practically danced in the aisle way. Ok this should have been my first clue because the German's call Gyros Don Kebabs ( I could be miss spelling it sorry) But at the time I am so ecstatic I don't have to touch dripping fresh meat and it is less expensive than what I had been finding  I am in ecstatic coma in the store. Plus all the German's in the aisle are really staring at me hugging this wonderful box of frozen meat. Even H who was there was staring at me funny. I put 4 boxes in the cart very pleased with myself. Then I found Tzatziki Salat and was even more thrilled I wouldn't have to make it from scratch and it would probably be more authentic........

So remember last week when things went awry just about when I was feeling good........

Tonight all excited I crack open one of those boxes and cook the meat ....... now as I am cooking the meat I look at the box and only now do I see the title right under the word Gyros........
I see Schweinefleisch..... I think mmmmm this is very odd why would this be on the box Schweinefleisch is pork in German........ yes so I go to the computer and type in the sentence under Gyros.......  I got the literal translation of the fine print so to speak...... Pork cut in the style of Gyro meat. yes I bought pork instead of lamb 4 boxes of frozen pork instead of the lamb my family loves........ oh and it gets better the Tzatziki-Salat I bought ( thinking it was just German for Tzatziki..... was actually Vienna sauerkraut with herbs and cucumber........ Oh yes so my poor family had pork Gyros with Viennese sauerkraut......... I guess a German style Gyro..... not an authentic Don kebab..... or a true Gyro......

So while my German has improved I still have a bit more to learn before I confidently go shopping in a German supermarket.......
Stay tuned for Heather's other shopping misadventures and see what unique and bizarre dish I will make next........
I know you too will want pork with sauerkraut for dinner tomorrow !.....:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

A morning on the train.

So This morning I had an unexpected train ride. See it all started about 3 weeks ago when T broke the back door handle on the Sequoia.... so needless to say life has been interesting since we can't open the back door. I knew the day would come when I would have to brave going to the toyota dealership to get an oil change we were about due, and it is right next to where the boys go to school and it looks just like the toyota dealerships in the US. But, to try to tell them all the things I like and want with the language barrier oh.. I have been working up the courage. So I did what any good wife would do and before Sam left I made him call :) avoidance is sometimes good right :).....well that backfired Sam was sent to Africa..... Sam mentioned that the girl there spoke flawless english which she does. So today I took the plunge I went to the German Toyota Dealership to have the door fixed and the oil changed. Now I have to tell you that Sam called for an appointment then he had to take the car there for them to see it just to schedule this appointment. Which I would like to tell you is unusual for here but it isn't this is the way of things. You call to have the initial appointment for things even as simple as a new bulb for a light fixture. Then the come and see it and schedule you a new appointment to actually do the work. When I see one of my German acquaintances I will have to ask why this is.
So I arrived took a deep breath and stepped in the threshold of the service department. I greeted them in german and smiled ( as if they didn't have a clue I was American already).... They smiled back and I have to say the representative there was so helpful she even translated for me with the mechanic. It was just fine. However, when Sam made the appointment initial my guess is he had planned on having a co worker take him back to work because he made the appointment but set it for a pick up later. I was informed only one customer could wait at a time. Thankfully there is a U station only 5 blocks away..... so an unexpected train ride came to be.......

Now I have to tell you things happen late in the day here it seems nothing opens until 10 or 11 am and it all closes by 4 pm..... However I had never ridden the train at 9 am or on a weekday. I was in shock and aw, there were people my age and semi dressed for work.... Jacket and Tennis shoes...... But what I have to say was wow everyone looked so glamourous.... or maybe it was  the fact I felt scary.... no shower, hair pulled back and I was wearing my bus stop coat...... Which is bright blue and Michelin man esq. as I am usually standing at the bus stop with the kids trying to stay warm........ Lucky for me though I had put on my trendy boots at least. I have to say though this didn't stop me from almost staring gawking like at the wide variety of boots I saw. Is it wrong to covet other girls boots???? Wow there were so many cool pairs of shoes out there this morning it was so fun !!!!! Now I forgot how much I love to ride the trains and see the sights, all of a sudden this day was full of possibility !

I said why not..... so I stopped at the Main train station......which has a Starbucks.... now don't get me wrong I am sure German coffe is wonderful however finding decaf is impossible so I never get to try it out..... So Starbucks has not only decaf but it has soy milk ( unheard of here) And I can get a latte... I am a latte girl living in a cappuccino world. The Germans either drink it straight or as a cappuccino, at least here in this city.....  I have NEVER in my life ordered a Venti size from Starbucks I mean seriously you could swim in it...... Today the sun was shinning there were amazing boots a foot I was wearing my trendy boots which must hold super powers of sorts because I do crazy things when I wear them..... Like I ordered a Venti Decaf Soy Latte with sugar free hazelnut ( the only sugar free flavor they had) I know I know Sam tells me all the time why bother you took all the good stuff out.... HA it is perfect heaven in a cup.... ok Have I told you it has been months since I have had one...... I maybe crazy....hence the Venti ! Oh it was soooooooo wonderful I drank every last drop of it. I rode the train saw the views and drank that Venti completly...... Now oddly later in the day despite the decaf my Mother mentioned I was a bit more chatty than usual...mmmmmmmm

Well The sun was shinning I had to take the train back later in the day to get the car....another hour kids free !!!!! holy cow I had won the lottery... It really was the day of possibility. After quality time at home with the twins, stories, cooking, puzzles, cars etc..... I left for the train station. Now it is about 3/4 of a mile from home; I met a one star general and had a wonderful conversation, although he looked worried I was walking to the train myself? The sun was shining and the temperature hit a tropical level of 28 degrees !!!! I decided to seriously look for a literary agent I really need to get the books out it has almost been a year since I completed a few of them. I am going to get this accomplished..... I was cheerful. I had paid bills and had a little left over and was plotting where our new adventure would be.... Oh and did I mention I was wearing my trendy boots with super powers...... 

Now I have to tell you the road next to the train tracks to downtown I drive all the time on the way to the kids school so I see things and think OH that looks like a cool place I wonder what is in there..... Now the last 2 weeks I have made more trips to school  than I care to mention ( 20 miles one way) For some situation or another or some meeting about T..... So I have had even more time than usual to contemplate what is in these places than usual. So today filled with hope and a venti Latte with trendy boots I said WHY NOT !!!

So off we go... I even put on lipstick.... ok it wasn't really lipstick it was tinted chap-stick I found in the bottom of my purse but a crazed mom of 4 has to get glamour where she can....

First stop this very garishly decorated hotel I have wondered if the inside is as wild as the outside..... I missed the train stop and ended up walking 3 blocks to the next...... no worries..... I guess I will have to wonder a few more days.... Stop 2 I went into this antique store I see all the time and I have to tell you the windows are full of treasures I would love to bring home...I mean really cool eclectic things. Today however what pushed me over the edge beside the Venti latte and the trendy boots.... There was this ornate mirror full length with etchings that were so beautiful you could have stared at them for hours... ( see it isn't all about shoes) I was so bold and went inside I even asked how much it was ( 800 Euro)

 I found 900 things I thought I couldn't live without. They had an oriental tea set for four with a red dragon so subtle so ornate I could barley bring myself to put the delicate cup down I mean the porcelain was so fine it was translucent in the light, the dragon the most alluring shade of orange/red it could hold you captive. Then there was the divine glass vases that were so huge you could have fit P & S into them.

 Oh and when I turned the corner and saw the whole display of breathtaking Asian items I could have fainted.

 There where crystal chandeliers that could have made any room turn to a grand palace. I had to leave I had other places to explore. I tore myself from the store sighing how I could fill the house with all of the treasures there.

Stop 3 I decided that since the Venti Latte had worked so well before that a second one was in order..... Ok I realize this was ludicrous but, I had the trendy boots to back me up plus I had taken a shower before I left; seriously there was no stopping me. Now I think this is where the corner was turned how the day went from possibility to reality but I am not positive. I ordered it I drank it and it was as wonderful as the first one however it did not enhance my super powers. I REALLLLLLLLY pushed my luck next I ordered a nutella crepe at the stand next door. Ok this really was taking things to far, I can never finish one and every-time I get one I realize why I don't get them They are possible the most sugary thing on the planet. I mean 3 bites in you could go into a coma and I am not a sweet girl. Now this is where it started to go awry, no longer feeling super more lethargic really despite my trendy boots. The sun went behind the clouds for the remainder of the day. Kryptonite would have to be how I describe this. I was so lethargic I missed the stop for the hotel !

The Hotel yes yes. See I see this very modern yet traditional buliding close to where I turn for the school it has a big red sign that says ARCCOTEL. 

I understand this is a chain hotel here in Europe. The front has a modern twist but the sides

 look like an old stone building it is so intriguing. It has a wonderful it sign that says Bar

 and I wonder is there a bar like ours or does this mean something else in German. It looks like the kind of place you would go for a drink with friends to be trendy and suave... I had to see for myself. However the building is literally on the main road the door practically opens onto moving cars. So I never stop , time, the kids, the traffic no parking. Now I went back on the train one stop since I missed it. Reflex slowing. I walked across a gravel/dirt path in a construction zone in my trendy boots to see this hotel. 

I have to say the shell is better that the rest. Now it is nice and modern but it for the business crowd no pizzaz, no mysterious allure, no suave corner for drinks.

 Just a modern lunch cafe. Nice very nice but not the mystery it has been. I walked back across the gravel to the train.

I went to get the Sequoia.. I should have know... it was 3 the pick up time but it wasn't ready.... The wonderful girl was so nice so apologetic....apparently my husband hadn't read our warranty over completely..... Now you remember T snapped the handle it was a 2 inch part in the door......Well it was 100,000 miles OR ( key word here) OR 3/28/08..... well we don't have the 100,000 but as we all know 3/28/08 is long gone..... So I was charged for the part, the labor, and because it is in the door..... the entire door had to be taken apart and the back window removed and then all reassembled. 2 hours of labor and the part......and of course don't forget the oil change.....and the labor for that ( they have to remove a special plate related to the tow package).......

 Oh yes, things had definitely gone awry in the day of possibility. It became the day of reality. Now every parent can tell you a story about when their kid cost them an insane amount of money ...... ( I once had an insane phone bill that I thought for-sure my father would have a heart attack over back in 9th grade......$350.00 later and a month with no phone lost allowance) Well, I tried to remember this when I signed the bill for the car. The representative kept apologizing about the misunderstanding with the warranty, and trying to help me see the bright side we get to use VAT forms. ( VAT forms are this form that takes the value added tax off of huge purchases in certain categories. Value Added Tax here is 20%......... well, thank goodness someone could see the silver lining. The VAT form can only be used if the purchase is over 100 Euro...... I would have kissed the girl if it had been only 100 Euro...... remember plotting our next family adventure with the "extra" money........ yeah NO. You are all invited to dinner at our house it will be macaroni and cheese for a month..... ok just 2 weeks..... I love my son I love my son....... I am beginning to understand why I have gray hair and I am developing the same "grouchiness" my parents had during my teenage years.  

Yes the second Venti Latte was really just too much :) and while my trendy boots are wonderful... even they have limits to their superpowers.........Just as a Mom with 4 kids and an hour of free time can only get to the bottom of so many mysteries......Some places are better left to the mystery...and one Venti Latte is enough for a lifetime.

This day also sums up the week..starting with possibility and ending with reality

I can't leave you with out a silver lining...... when I came home there were 3 smiling little faces calling my name giving me hugs.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Weddings, Marriage & what it really means to love....

Some of us are lucky enough to have the storybook marriage where everyday is wedded bliss. Some of us have our ups and downs and some of us view our marriages as something that is a process we are surviving.

 I do not judge any. All are unique and should be respected for what they are. Sometimes I have read about couples who couldn't imagine breathing without the other's presence, or others who gain their strength from a partner, those who acknowledge they are better for their marriage. 

Some anniversaries I have thought our marriage is a dream others I have thought what do I know about love? Anyone will tell you that wether being a couple comes natural or a struggle, wether you have been married for a year, six months or 25 years; marriage is an evolutionary journey. Some couples make it some don't, some change some don't.

 There are times it is 40/60 and others it is 80/20. I know in a military community we all know but don't discuss the elephant in the room; the statistics are staggering for divorce. The Air Force at one point touted a 70% divorce rate.

 Some years are easy others aren't but at the end of the day when we lay our head on our pillow and we look back at it all if we smile then it was worth it. I know this last anniversary with Sam ( one of the few we have actually been together in the same place) was a different one.

 Our life was in the air we didn't know if we were coming or going and the shock of the process of moving overseas was at it's peak. Sam had only been back from Iraq for a month and he still was adjusting to being here instead of there. Was it filled with stars in your eyes romance and positive reflection.... not really. Does this mean it had any less significance or meaning no.... 

I think the days between the anniversaries are what the substance of the marriage is made of. Sam and I have been through so much in our married lives and we are still here still together still in love and still moving forward. 

Some days we marvel at how lucky we are and how wonderful each of us is, other days we have our head buried in the "wind" just trying to muddle through. 

Stay with me I have a point... when you are in a time of change or evolution you don't always want to hear how blissfully perfect other's married lives are. This is especially true if they are in similar circumstances as you and your spouse maybe but they are handling it better. Or so it would seem.

 I once heard 2 quotes I think ring true.... one is " what is on the outside could just be a show, what is in the home is real" meaning what we project may not always be the reality...and one of my favorites...which holds optimism within it's words something I always like. " Being married is falling in love with the same person over and over".... I personally think this one puts a fine point on it all. Somedays are better than others and marriage ebbs and flows. I do know that no matter what Sam and I go through once we come out the other-side we are stronger for it..a bit wiser. 

Now for the point of this very long post.... I was reading a post from another blogger about her own marriage of 21 years. I think this is the most real and honest account I have ever read about a marriage. I was so excited here is someone who loves her husband is in a good marriage and has been married awhile but is honest about it. Instead of sugar coating it all like we live in a dream world of perfection. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did. It is full of all the things of great romance, truth, love, devotion,and a journey with a true love. so take a peek here at My Vintage Wedding Scrapbook

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Sam has returned to Africa again this time to Rwanda.

  The mere mention of this name conjures up many images in people's minds; it is amazing how this name has become a loaded word.  Sam being part of the Military and part of the new command sees a different side to Africa than others visiting, or doing political work. There are times though when all paths cross. Sam has witnessed and participated in many humanitarian projects through out the world as part of the military, Sam has also been part of political moments and worked with embassies. I know Sam enjoys the diversity that his job brings and as anyone would it is always nice to be a part of humanitarian aid.

 This trip brings Sam to Rwanda to work with the Defense forces on a UN mission, in addition to a cultural exchange. I would like to share some of the pictures that Sam has sent back.

 Sam has said that the Rwandan people have been very welcoming and they are anxious to talk about the future. 

Sam has mentioned how friendly everyone is and people are working hard on re-building.  The lakes and city are full of color and the market places hold unique treasures. 

Sam went on a Safari near Lake Kivu this time he saw a baboon, and three giraffes,

 and of course the water buffalo

I LOVE this image I have to say it is one of my favorites. The color in this looks as though it could leap off the page. 

on a side note Rwanda has been discussed in several of  different Blogs I follow recently and so if you would like to see some other perspectives on travels in Rwanda please see this site Here

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well We are off again on new adventures. This weekend has brought us to Triberg.  This bustling mountain town is about 87 miles from Stuttgart it takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes in the snow. Triberg is in the heart of the famed Black Forest region and right in the middle of the Black forest protected area.

 This is a mountainous area. The drive is gorgeous full of gorges with huge bridges and rolling hills covered in the famous Black forest pine trees. Of course it is winter here so all of the trees are covered in snow which adds to the magical scenery of the forest. The snow is deep and glistens in the sunlight, it looks like a picturesque postcard scene.

 Triberg is also home to the Cuckoo Clock. Franz Anton Ketter was the first to begin the idea of the cuckoo clock with a carved wooden bird counting the hours. 

Triberg is also home to Germany's tallest waterfall or "Wasserfalle" as they say here. 

Today was especially cold so we didn't linger long outside but the waterfall was gorgeous. 

The walk up is rather steep and today icy, however I can imagine that in the summer this nature park holds all kinds of wonders for a day full of outdoor fun. There are trails and bridges to entertain for hours.

 In the winter months due to the ice and snow it is not possible to climb the waterfall, however in the summer the park has a path/stairs to the top of the falls.

 The falls are part of the Gutach river. 

 With museums to the Cuckoo Clock, as well as shops and unique ethnic buildings and festivals this small mountain town is a really fun day trip for this area. 

The kids enjoys the wooden carved animals scattered throughout the park and despite the cold the views were still worth the trip. 

The drive home was just as picturesque and took us over a mountain pass. The forest has so many different hiking trails that in the winter become recreational areas for cross country skiers. It was really nice to see so many people out skiing and walking and enjoying the area....even if it was soooooooo cold ( it was 17 degrees).

 Of course no trip to anywhere in Germany would be complete without a stop at the local bakery for none other than Brezel's.. I can't eat another but the kids are still loving them. Still the bakery is cute and trendy as most bakeries are..

And even if you aren't a Brezel fan ( I swear I can't eat another) there is always a mozzarella and tomato sandwich with some cool bread yummy....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Under Construction

Warning change is coming..... wouldn't be nice if this label were on all of our life altering moments. I keep thinking about that song "Everybody Feel free to wear sunscreen" where he says don't worry about stuff because it will always be something that will hit some random Tuesday. Well it is a random Thursday and I was blind-sided by stuff. But the main focus is that this year I plan to reconstruct this blog site. I plan to have individualized wall paper and page elements before the year is out. I will conquer any technical handicaps to help this blog evolve. I hope by spring. Stay tuned for new elements and details as I figure this all out. 

Quote that works for today:
" Not I not anyone else can travel that road for you, you must travel it for yourself." -Walt Whitman

"It is not far, it is within reach, perhaps you have been on it since you were born and did not know perhaps it is everywhere on water and on land"  -Walt whitman

" if the search to live honestly was all that anyone needs....." Tracy Chapman

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thinking over

I am anxiously awaiting spring for many reasons both metaphorically and literally. I am going through this evolutionary process of becoming an American abroad. I have always wanted to live abroad and explore the world, it is just that this assignment came at an odd time in a place I had never planned on living. However the phrase " you get what you need not always what you want" is coming to mind. I am thinking a lot about this new year and new possibilities and what this all means for myself and for the kids. The process of becoming is so messy and untidy and quite frankly I would prefer an orderly graceful transformation. I need fluidity to feed my soul, I need organization to feed my mind, and I need chaos to bolster my courage and force my wings. I know I have screamed, discussed, and muttered that phrase " I am more than the sum of my parts" here before. I feel so torn between so many places and worlds at the moment I feel like a good winter hibernation is the best idea....Can I be a bear? 

 We decided a long time ago that I should be a stay at home Mom for the kids especially with Sam traveling so much and our frequent moves. Sam is gone in Africa again right now which always prompts a lot of thinking. Yet there are days like all stay at home Mom's I long to use my atrophied mind and have an intellectual conversation. Perhaps today was one of those days. After singing Baby Beluga for the third time in a half an hour I began to dream of being in a power meeting leading a conversation about some critical operation, product or some other essential cultural or marketing idea. Perhaps my day dreaming has just expanded because I am in a new country full of new possibilities for travel and adventure. I know that in the last month I have had several opportunities to speak with a wide range of Sam's co -workers both military and civilian, I mean the think tank of the new command. People who come from the CDC and other foreign countries people who I would give anything to have their jobs. I have met people from Morocco, Australia, among other countries. People who speak 3-4 languages fluently, have more stamps in their passports than I can even fathom. I have spoken with all of these amazing people who have done admirable work I feel humbled and small and yet they engage me and am interested in my thoughts on subjects regarding Africa. For the first time in 11 years I am actually using all of that work I did in undergraduate school between the nursing, and the medical anthropology and all of the heavy research I did into African healthcare development and infrastructure. I mean all of the stuff that was my passion the things I wanted to do the places I wanted to go.... I have had intellectual and meaningful conversations that have rekindled ideas and thoughts long shoved aside to remember the words to Baby Beluga and how to roar just right when reading the famed " How do Dinosaur's say Goodnight" how many pieces came in this toy or that toy..... I feel  a bit selfish. These people have encouraged me they have asked questions and treated me as an intelligent person beyond a housewife. One woman who actually had a job at the CDC doing what I would love to wanted to meet with me to talk more and consider me for jobs coming available with the command. I mean a possibility of a job doing something related to my degree... me the person who has been T,H P & S's Mom, Sam's wife ..... ordinary housewife ( with her wonder woman powers hidden in her desk) Me? sometimes in my head I think why me I am no one. But then I remember that this is the year of remembering how to fly and dream, to realize potential and possibility. I imagine and day dream more and more about selfishly doing some sort of work that is mine.... beyond the sum of my parts.

I suppose every working mother grapples with these ideas and choices daily. How do you rid your self of the Mother guilt " I should be there more for my kids" vs I want to grow in my career.  Am I so selfish that I am willing to put my wants above my kids needs; and go back to work? I would only go back to work if it were a "dream" job that I have made sure. I would not go back for the sake of working it has to be a soul inspiring endeavor to drag me away... It is a bit scary. I always planned on going back when the kids were older I mean I really do feel this is crucially important to be there for my kids. This is really all a day dream...... in some ways I am stuck in  possibility. All this angst could be over nothing.

So between learning to live abroad and  considering going back to work, and then there is the T situation. T is of course struggling with the move and his mental health issues and of course this means that home life has been a challenge. Every-time we move the new doctors have a new perspective they all think they are going to be the one to "fix" whatever the situation of the moment is..... because 4 states, 7 years and 16 doctors and specialist have all been wrong or crazy or whatever. Somedays I feel hopeless in this situation.  So our family is in an evolution of trying to cope with T's challenges. I have been sucked into testing, evaluations, 2-3 doctors appointments a week. Hence the importance of spending time with the other kids takes front and center. Type A everything needs to be orderly Heather is showing.....

metamorphosis is such a messy business.... I can't wait to see what butterfly's will be released from this house come spring. Surviving the new year is the first step. I guess it is safe to say we are all in the larvae stage of this new year between trying to plan for the coming year and to be inspired aren't we all just thinking it over right now?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More of France

This was a candy store and when you walked in they gave you a fresh cookie as a sample.... does it get any better beautiful art and a cookie !
Through out the city there are these painted doorways. Beautiful works of art just welcoming you into the shops.  I felt like I was in a living museum it was so wonderful. H especially liked this one.... I have to agree this is really  descriptive.

Yes Strasbourg is this picturesque in the winter can you imagine in the spring or summer when everything is in bloom I may faint from the beauty.
I am sure in the summer this building just glimmers in the sunlight it has bright orange awnings on all of the windows... I am anxious to see this in the summer.
Another of the many churches scattered throughout Strasbourg. Each is so beautiful.
The mixture of old and new is so unique and you can definitely tell the German and French influences. All of  different periods and styles seem to mesh seamlessly despite the distinct differences.
The swans that P loves so much..... he even quacks at them and calls them ducky puppies..... confused perhaps but he loves them and talks to them and squeals with excitement when he sees them. I have to admit to see beautiful swans all over is very cool.