Monday, June 30, 2008


Ok so I have been Tagged by my friend Rachael (see other blogs on the side of this page) I am feeling up to the challenge. I will send a note out to friends to play via e-mail since Rachael is my only fellow blogger.

Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

3 Joys
The Kids
My Friends

3 Fears
Wasting my Life
Ruining any one's life especially my kids
( this one just for Jenny Spiders)

3 Goals
Travel the world
Write a book or two..or at least an article
Learn to let go of more "stuff"

3 Current obsessions/collections
 Finding answers to my questions
knitting/ and shoes
Being a better person, mom, etc.

3 Facts about myself
I struggle with liking myself, I always think I could be better instead of accepting who I am as good enough and yet when I go to get a job I think I should get paid less than I deserve...this is bad I need to seriously figure this out and be assertive...with myself:) Yet oddly when asked I am fairly comfortable in my own skin. I do like myself I just think I could be better.
(type A perfectionist)

I once worked on an underwater archaeological project that was funded by National Geographic, and discovered a piece that is helping to prove people came here before the Behring land bridge. The piece is in a museum and I helped discover it. The project was featured in the magazine.....someday I hope one of my photographs or writing's makes it into the magazine.

I hate math & dishes I do wish that I was really an expert in math. I did get a B in a really tough math class once in graduate school with the help of a tutor and my professor so at least I am trying right :)

I challenge Jenny, Tina, Pauline, Andrea, Chad to e-mail me theirs:)

Family, The witness protection agency, and knitting

There is a mouth full in a title..... It has been one of those weeks that only a large bottle of wine and 12 pages of writing could cover. Instead I will once again remember I am trying to simplify and condense. I have to mention I watched a TV show I have no idea what it was I was knitting as therapy to recover .

On a totally random side note I once heard a line " We don't hide our crazies in the south we put them on parade with pride." ( Designing Women)

Back to knitting for therapy..... I have a new knitting book I am super excited about called AlterKnits very fun very different stuff. I am so excited to start I just have to finish up the 3 other projects I am working on. I am trying to use up all the spare yarn around and get back on track with the policy of having only the yarn for project. I was knitting away thinking how much I love to knit and how soothing it is. I can always tell if I am feeling stressed I knit more and find time to finish and start projects. There is just something about knitting that is so calming.

Back to the TV show and what I really wanted to cover today. The witness protection program... So we see this in TV and movies all the time people just "erased" and relocated with this new life and a clean slate. I think about this whenever I see the WP pop up. Is that really how it goes? Could I do that if I had to. I pride myself on being independent and able to adapt. I have to in military family life; but could I really walk away from it all like that in a split second. This is also good mental training for purging more from my house . Especially because I am creeping closer to the tougher rooms to let go of things the study the garage ( where 1/2 my life is stored) and the kitchen ( where I feel like I live). What can I give up let go of and walk away from? I always wondered if I could. I think about my closest friends then I scheme ways to think how I could re enter their lives as the new relocated witness me. I think sometimes it would be nice to change everything be something new start completely over forge a new path with new goals. The key element here really the draw or the glamour in the plan is to be free of all baggage mental and physical just like that. to let go off all the silly stuff that has been around forever. Of course after hours of mulling this all over, well maybe not hours maybe just minutes I realize that while I would love to toss the old bad baggage it would mean loosing all the good baggage too. All the great memories I share with my family and friends and the opportunity to call and share those moments in a split second.

In a way the nomadic life I have chosen is a realistic way to have that clean slate with witness protection program; with out losing all of the good in my life. Every place I go I start fresh with a clean slate new goals and new opportunities to be a better person. What more could I ask for? While shedding the baggage of the last place can pose a challenge the reward is also wonderful. New and old friends from around the world, new and different challenges and goals to meet.

I just hope that I can loose the 5,000 lbs of stuff I have to before I embark on this long journey to a new continent. What am I willing to let go off and keep, to reach new goals?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The weekend was hot ! We had a nice outing to the Beach on Saturday and it was great to catch up with everyone. It was so hot though the sand could burn your feet and there was no breeze, which for a beach trip was a bummer.  The day was still sunny and nice though.

More from the Files of the Great Purge:
Saturday: day 497 of the sorting..... ok just kidding I finally made it to my own room which I had been dying to get to all week. The room was scary, I love Sam but picking up after himself is not one of his virtues. So after cleaning I was finally able to sort. I was looking forward to that great satisfaction of accomplishment of cleaning. I had  a wonderful time with the other rooms. I did take out 2 garage sale boxes , 3 bags of garbage, and a bag for the thrift store and yet I feel like I really didn't clean out enough. It could have been the day though it was hot too.

I will say that since this whole thing has started I have felt wonderful about the sorting. I am not really a pack rat but there are so many things I have held onto because " I should" which is a re occurring theme in my life. So metaphorically speaking I feel like I am shedding that burden too. I know it sounds corny but I really feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I have wanted to go through things for awhile but, felt like I needed a reason or permission so to speak to rid myself of this thick shell. I feel a lot better about so many things. I always have trouble letting go of all kinds of things and while I have gotten better at this I am still a work in progress. Why is it we feel we need permission to do something?  We are adults and should be able to unburden ourselves from all kinds of baggage; the literal and figurative kind.

I have also been donating things to various places I know could use whatever it is I am donating and I love that feeling to like something will get new life and be loved again the way it should be. This is also a great positive feedback cycle.

So I say to all of you reading these silly ramblings BE FREE !!!! I hear by give you permission to sort out all of your baggage whatever it is you have been putting off... the attic the basement the closet whatever ;or any other type of baggage you have had lurking wishing to divest yourself of. GO FOR IT !!!!!

Oddly enough I finally started to simplify and it feels great. I once read that book about " Don't sweat the small stuff" and though wow this sounds great to clear clutter. I thought I was but, I had more to go. I guess it is also true when you are ready to clear the dust away you will. I have let go of a lot more of the clutter in my head and in my house and it feels very good.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sweltering in the Sun

Well The Midwest has flooding and we have heat. Where we live in CA it stays at 70 degrees pretty much year round in Jan/Feb we have cold rain... and this year has been an usually cold year ( snow over memorial weekend) But the last few days the temperature has set records today we made it past 100 unheard of here in the central coast. We have no A/C and man is it just to die for heat. I have been slow to get rooms done... I did get T's done yesterday and a fraction of the living room done today. It has been crazy with paperwork. I am feeling hot and frazzled with the heat and the stress. I wish we could get all of this paperwork settled so we could have a firm date for our move... it is the not knowing that makes me crazy the hurry up and wait and then the inevitable oh wait rush this because we forgot you had to have this too stuff that is making me crazy. I am feeling isolated and far away and sadly like I  no time for the fun stuff in life. Tomorrow we are going to a beach down in LA  for a get together so hopefully I will have pictures and some fun..... 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Roller Coaster of stuff

well the great  purge/house diet has come to a screeching halt.... yesterday I did get through H's room which was a miracle because with all the usual stuff I couldn't get to it until around 3 pm. That is post nap for P & S and T is home from summer school. H was having a good day and seemed really helpful so for a moment of temporary insanity I decided to go ahead and have H help me clean out his room.  The pack rat gene runs deep in the older boys but H seemed in a good place. I was clearly insane to think this could go well. I talked great stories made it a game. 20 minutes into the clean H was telling me how he couldn't part with anything and like a scene from a cartoon I would put something in the garage sale box and he would take it out on the other side. Meanwhile P & S were crawling on me sitting on me getting into everything else of H's on the floor and generally having 18 month old mischievous fun. 1 hour later we hadn't even made it to the bottom of the toy box let alone to the rest of the room. It was the stuff that a 3 stooges episode was made of. really I was clearly insane when I thought 4 kids a bedroom and a box would work. But, now I can smile and laugh and think of what fun it is .
This reminds me of the first move H could remember. the move from NM to VA he was only 7 months so when we moved from Virgina to Syracuse H was 2 and he remembered the movers. He followed them around the house like a shadow it was all fine until he made it to his room the mover was putting books into boxes and H thought this was ok so he helped well then the mover tried to seal the box and for the first time in H's life he actually bit someone. Yes, H bit the mover for packing his things. the funny thing is for the rest of the day the mover gave H plenty of space and H stared them all down with his best intimidating 2 year old look.
So in light of the great biting incident of 05 I should have known better.
Thank goodness my mom took H for an adventure running errands in town and P & S and I managed to tackle H's room. P & S sat on me moved things around etc. while I tried valiantly to pack up garage sale and thrift store stuff. 3 boxes later and 2 garbage bags full and 4 hours total we finished H's room. you can actually walk in there and not feel the walls closing in now so this is good !
Today no rooms were packed or purged sadly. Sam had a "meltdown" he is challenged with his quitting smoking. Some news about his new job came in and it wasn't exactly what Sam had hoped for..... needless to say it was crazy. On the plus side I made it to the post office, went to the thrift store dropped off a car load of stuff, went to recycle batteries, paid the cable bill, and went to Pilate's so the day was productive even if not in the way I had planned
Which is today's theme about being optimistic and remembering that things happen for a reason, and even if things don't happen the way you think they should have. Things are still being done.
" If you want something bad enough, never give up ( and take a boost when offered." -Last Lecture
"It can be helpful to others to tell them how you did it."   - Last Lecture

The last quote is to remind us that if we look there are signs in many places. I had been trying to find out information on passports for the twins ( the rest of us have ours) and How the whole paperwork process goes for this overseas stuff ( surprise there is a ton of paperwork before you go) While I was at the thrift store missing the cut off to consign things I ran into one of the Mom's from H's pre-school class. They have orders to Germany too short orders like we do. They are going to the north. Anyways she had a ton of helpful information for me that saved me a lot of time hunting for I really appreciated it. She was relieved to know I was going so she would know someone in the country at least, which made me feel very good.
On a silly side note H says Germany the cutest way he says "GermDee" instead of Germany it is soooo cute !
I have to run I have to go chase the raccoons from our garbage cans again with the broom, yes I have officially become crazy. We have a caddy shack situation with raccoons here AAAAA !!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 2 of the great Pitch

So yesterday was day 2 of the great weed out diet. I focused on the twins room. I really didn't think I would have a lot there but, wow was I surprised 3 garage sale boxes later, 2 baskets full of thrift store stuff.... and 2 small garbage bags later. I think we may have lost 200 pounds just between the laundry room and the babies room ! I may have to get the scale out to start figuring it out...... I am still waffling between excitement and frustration. I so wanted to leave California yet at the same time this fall both T & H would have had great school teachers. I missed seeing Yellowstone the last 2 winters. I guess it is like that any time you live anywhere the good and the bad get all mixed in. I remember other moves  I was sooooooo ready to move and yet there were things I knew I would miss. I have to decide which room I am going to pick today to purge????

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I just finished the first of the rooms to sort.  Because we move so often I have adopted a strict policy of " if it isn't used in 6 months and it isn't a seasonal item it goes...." policy I have managed to keep the clutter down somewhat. I come from a long line of pack rats and I have had to gain skills to rid myself of the compulsion to save everything. Sometimes this is hard because I think of all of the uses for something. I especially hang onto papers and articles. I have folders of papers.  Papers I have written, articles I liked, things I found.... it goes on and on so much so it is falling off of my bookshelf. So Sam and I decided that we had to go room to room and sort through our things. 
Garage Sale, thrift store, throw out, storage and taking with us. Our last move we had 14,000 odd pounds of stuff..... we will be allowed a total of 9,000 pounds to go to Germany and whatever we put in storage gets deducted from our total to go. Needless to say the time has come for my house to go on a 5,000 pound diet. Time to learn to live with less. Toss out my pack rat ways and go for the gold of merciless pitching. 
I started with the laundry room because it was making me crazy, it was small room and there are things in there that sooooooo need to go.  Three hours and a walk down memory lane later the room is done. I had a bookshelf in the laundry room with papers of all kinds and a pile of laundry and stuff nearly a mile high in the laundry room. Sam had one shelf of odd things the twins kept tracking through the house. So I sent Sam in first this afternoon while I was grocery shopping, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised and the speed and agility he rid himself of clutter. 
I had a shelf then, and it wasn't any shelf it housed the folders of paper. To give you an example I have a paper I wrote in high school in one folder. It was on diseases of the third world and I got an A; I loved this paper it was the first "serious" paper I wrote about where I planned to go "save the world" with my nursing skills. I have folders from my favorite college classes and papers I wrote for professors in undergrad. Articles from classes I liked. I found one folder especially interesting it was articles from my Global Politics class. I hated the professor she was awful but there were so many fascinating articles. They were on topics such as China's emerging power in the market place.... The articles were from 1994 and they were full of predictions of where business and China were headed in the next 10 years. some of the predictions were way off others close to current issues.  The 10 years has definitely come and gone. I especially loved reading my notes in the margins. maybe I haven't strayed to far from myself after all. There were articles on Islamic and western relations and where analyst had predicted conflicts might occur. The articles are from 1995 but, they predicted Afghanistan would be an issue. The papers I wrote, the grades I received it was like looking at my mind from a different place. Some of my thoughts were clearly influenced by the classes and others things I feel today still. Other ideas, artifacts of the past Heather who had yet to experience life.
I had to pitch a lot. When all was said and done Sam and I together threw out 4 garbage bags full of stuff, mostly paper. Artifacts from a past left behind. I wonder what I'll find in a folder 10 years from now journey's I have yet to go on things I have yet to file away. Who knows but, the artifacts of our lives are so fun to visit. I guess the anthropologist in me will never leave... just occasionally become buried in the paper folders I save :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

0 to 60 in seconds flat

Well today's theme is Be careful what you wish for may get it all and more :)
Which on the sunny side is excellent but the messy details that make it all happen can be mind boggling. Yesterday I was looking at my various favorite blogs ( see other blogs list on the side of this blog) thinking especially about my friend Rachael and her blog about her life as a navy wife in Japan reading about their trip to the big Buddah. Thinking wow just normal everyday things are exciting there I wish my life was more exciting and "glamorous"... As many of you know Sam and I have been wanting to go overseas at some point in the military career we talk about it a lot. Funny enough I was talking with Jenny on the phone and she and her husband are going to Europe this fall and I was thinking what fun how exciting. I wish we could get over seas orders.......

Then this morning  my life went from 0 to 60
 in 2 seconds flat. Sam had been selected for an overseas assignment to Stuttgart Germany

Yes folks that is right WE HAVE OVERSEAS ORDERS TO GERMANY !!!!!!

now looking for it and the information was fun strange.... it hadn't sunk in yet... Sam would be working for a 4 star Army General and it is an unusual Photojournalist assignment.....

As the day progressed and more details were confessed :) it became a bigger reality. By the afternoon it was official...WE HAVE ORDERS TO GERMANY !

We were all excited.... then the control freak panic set in and my type A went into overload.... Where will we live?  What about school for the kids? How will we shop? Will I have access to medical stuff for T I don't speak German. A chance to travel to all kinds of places while we are there I am more excited about that. Germany can I do ok there? Suddenly a popular European country became a very exotic place and my life got crazy very quickly.

Then I started to think of zen like things like " A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" and " How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time"... it seems over whelming and a bit nervous mixed with the excitement. It doesn't seem real but it is. And so there we have it  We are moving to Germany...with 18 month old twins.

Germany..well the command wanted us there by July...yes July thankfully our base said no they need more time..... so by August or September we have to much to do so much to get done I already have 100 checklist. I am still in a bit of shock . Here we go, and this blog will get a whole lot more interesting for all of you reading this :)

It is exciting and I will blog the process for better or worse I may need the therapy hahahahahha Germany with 18 month old twins. 

I would like to note that all of the featured photographs on this entry are from Google search of Stuttgart not mine :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008


" You've got to get the fundamentals down, because otherwise the fancy stuff is not going to work"... -The Last Lecture

Somehow this quote works on about 12 levels today for me.....

Well I survived I took my Economics final today.. I was disappointed in myself because I missed getting my quiz average by 1 point..... hopefully it won't screw up my whole grade. Truthfully it wasn't my best effort their were multiple factors in the whole scene. But for better or worse it is all over. Now next week I get to begin the 8 week nightmare that is acct 100 and then I can have my diploma that I actually worked for and earned. I am already angry because my new acct prof is extremely pushy and has a laundry list of stuff for the 8 weeks and wants 20 hours a week of my time literally in the syllabus. It is a 100 level class and he is a pushy middle aged man who thinks highly of himself... he reminds me of my father. It could be a really long 8 weeks.

Moving on though.....Tonight Sam and I had date night..... we went to a movie his favorite thing to do and I picked Indiana Jones... our compromise..... trust me it is better if I pick Sam picks weird movies..... well it was a rough night

There are so many days I think I know Sam and I love him and every once in awhile he will throw me for a loop with some obsurce thought or idea...  Tonight he had several. Just about the time I think we are settling back into coupledom..... sharing space again he will throw weird stuff out there. My personality doesn't let me " let go" easily of anything... hence I am type A  but learning to share space is harder this time. Why? was it the longer deployment? My grouchy nature these days? My alpha dog instincts?

I'm glad we went and by the way for those of you out there who like Indiana Jones it is a great movie just as good as all the others.....

I'm glad we went that we are making the effort to be a couple again even if it is disjointed right now.  I have faith that the harmony that is " Us" will return it was back so I thought but, apparently this is my summer of fundamentals for both home and school so I guess I will work on that and then the "fancy" stuff will work better or maybe in my direction..... The universe seemed aligned and then it didn't I guess that is just life.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Purses !!!!!!

so while I was wandering all over the internet... mostly looking for new Ombre purses.... because I have nothing else to do (right) I found this incredible purse site they have super cute unsual purses and I loved the site so I had to share.

check it out super cool !
On an important side note the picture here is from the Shop Suey website and their picture.

I just bought a purse from here they have other more tame purses I picked this wild one because that is me :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Will I ever find it?

I have been viewing all kinds of blogs.. a lot off of the posh mama blog. I recently got an e-mail from Posh mama asking people to send in info stats etc. to be a contributing author over the summer season a substitute writer for the regulars. I became very excited it would be a chance for me to write on a topic and put my toe in the writing pool for real. But, I look at some of the other contributors blogs and web sites and think I am in soooo far over my head. I still haven't figured out how to alter my wall paper to make this blog more my own space and color. and I read their blogs and yes I have helpful tips and great finds but no where near the level they do. So I feel down again. will I ever have the courage to dive in? or the talent to do so. I am creative and fun and inspired but I seem to be in a rut. so what now? will I forever be frumpy mom or will I find my inner girl and go on with out fear of failure and find my passion? well off to fold the incredibly large mounds of laundry I have 4 huge baskets and rising.

Featured Fridays - Q

Featured Fridays - Q&A with Pink Loves Brown Owner Nicole

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why Pink?

So I have had an exciting day. I always knew I would some day be signing P and S up for various activities. I knew someday I would put S into a ballet class.... it maybe cliche but every girl needs it it teaches self awareness and a sense of self as well as grace and agility.  Can S achieve these through other sports you bet ... but in my own life experience I have used the discipline and movements as well as stretches etc. from Ballet in every athletic thing I have ever done including rock climbing and bungee jumping...... I also have to note that I am more than a little excited to have a little girl to put into ballet lessons..... Now I was 3 years old at my first lesson.. and yes, I still remember the day very vividly my Mom fussed over making my bun just so and my Dad a photographer was there ready with the "big" camera as I called it in had. The class was in a huge school gym and I remember thinking there were so many kids there. I lived in a small town and being 3 my world was limited to a few neighbor kids so a group of 20+ seemed huge to me. I remember the excitement how I concentrated to do things just right. I loved it the thrill the exhilaration . I was free to do things on my own... plus I loved learning. To this day the black and white picture of me in a perfect little ballerina pose in first position hangs on my wall my kids giggle when I tell them it is me.

Now S looks exactly like me spitting image..well she has a longer torso thanks to her tall Daddy... but height weight facial features hair everything are me..... somehow though she is WAYYYYYYYY cuter:)

So today it came to be that at 18 months ( in 4 days) she can be in her first ballet class !!!! can you imagine 18 months !!! I am so excited but she is my baby the youngest of them all ( and the most strong willed) she doesn't have enough hair for a braid and she has smaller feet than I ever did so finding ballet slippers is a challenge.... but yes here they actually have a ballet class for her age group ! ( can't get golf lessons for the 5 year old but ballet for an 18 month old) I am so excited for her I am excited because she will have a chance to play and have fun with other kids her age.... he world is small the kids in her brother's pre-school class and a few neighbor kids. I wonder if she will remember anything.... It is ok if she doesn't I just want her to have fun she loves to dance at home... and just to be with other kids and hearing music a favorite of hers. Even if she decides that ballet isn't for her someday that is ok too. Hopefully she will take the body moving lessons from it and have a little more grace in her world.

So I have signed her up I'm all excited and I get the information for the class "uniform" and she has to wear all PINK !!!!!!! ARGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have avoided the dreaded color and here I have to bath her in it make her look as though pepto bismol has poured all over her blech !!!!! even when I was little and through out even my adult ballet classes we wore black leotards and pink tights and believe me the pink tights were bad enough but here they insist she have a pink leotard and pink tights ..... WHY????? why????? is she less of a girl if she wears another color leotard ??? I say NO..... why do all "ballerina's " have to wear pink????? give me some rational explanation???? I will give you the pink tights highlight the legs to show movement but a pink leotard too. Poor girl !!!!!

Yes I will let it go before her first class on Thursday and will not utter a word to her but seriously why pink?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back to procrastinating......

well, is it procrastinating if I throw in 1 husband 2 twins... 2 filed trips a sleep study Econ homework/quizzes and discussions , one kid golf outing, out of town guests with a smattering of 5 year old drama?

Last week was nothing short of the usual Bendet drama.. with all of the flair and flavor for several epic novels.

After the Tale of the trees came the Tuesday after and that meant one class filed trip to the zoo with 50 5 year olds.... I had agreed to be one of the parents to come
 along. This was a day of great excitement for H all he wanted to do was ride the bus to the zoo a real school bus !!!!!! so after 1 hour and 20 minutes of bus riding fun we arrived at the zoo ! Just H and I off for the day while wandering at the zoo bumping into fellow c
lass mates. The perfect day the sun was shining a cool breeze. H's favorite thing at the zoo... the snake house? the 
giraffe's? the elephants? no just the bus ride there and back :)

upon arriving home came the parent teacher meeting for older T it went ok better than the last so I am happy for that.
The dreaded Econ 102 started.... and so did the quizzes about supply and demand.... however the drama of my own supply and demand seemed enough economic torture for me.... Supply one Mom demand.... 4 kids one husband 400 lbs of laundry 4 doctor appointments 2 filed trips etc.....

Wednesday came Sam was brave and had 3 of the 4 kids for 3 hours ... he passed with flying colors when I came to pick everyone up they were quiet smiling and each kid had a balloon ! not bad Dad way to go !!!! and another quiz more econ discussion.

Thursday came and there were 2 doctors appointment another quiz
more discussions for class and then my own sleep study . Yes after years of bad sleep and countless tales of my sleep walking talking and creaming the thrashing and so forth I finally get a sleep study to see if there is more than 4 kids to my lack of sleep. they stuck glue in my hair and some weird thing up my nose then told me to sleep at 9 pm....... yeah.. alrighty then and then for good measure they woke me up at 5 am

moving onto Friday and the next field trip this time the 4th grade wonder T had his class trip to a coastal nature/dunes area...50 4th graders on a bus and an hour trip later we were at the lake doing leaf rubbings and spotting birds in the lake. Later was lunch at the very windy beach... with a side of sand .. and finally a chance to Dune Dive in the 50 ft 
tall dunes with more wind and sand..... 3 days later the sand was finally
 washed out of my hair but T was happy to have me for the trip and we had some time to hang out so this is good. Bus ride back and more undiscovered sand. time to clean for company coming...oh and 2 quizzes and more discussion.

Saturday H had T-ball he did well he is getting better at hitting the ball and likes to run so this is great. Our company had a blast visiting to a quick lunch at the game and then it was off to Golf.  Big kid's golf event at a nearby golf resort by the beach. What could be better Kids the
 Beach and a golf.  T & H had a blast P & S had fun back at home napping with Nan. so T & H had so much fun honing their golf skills and enjoying the day with Dad !

phew it is Sunday  and now it was off for some fun. I had a chance to see a grown up movie in a real theater.. I went to Sex in the City with my mom.... I cried a lot but overall it was good. then Costco run where they were out of everything I needed..... so was target oh curse the rural area where we live ! oh and another quiz.......

So it's Monday again and kids are at school and twins are napping and an Econ quiz needs to be taken again but man I would so rather be procrastinating here. :)