Thursday, April 16, 2009

Split Croatia

Sam was deployed to Bosnia years ago.... and while deployed there he accompanied the NATO general to Split Croatia and Dubrovnik for meetings related to NATO.
Sam loved Croatia he especially liked Split.
It is rare for Sam to say he wants to go to a specific place... but he did when he called me he talked about the sea and the people and how amazing Split was and that someday he wanted to bring me back to Split and show me the things he saw.
Someday seemed far off but we both knew that someday we would go......
Then we moved to Europe making someday seem like maybe today.....We had planned to go for our anniversary but, because we are leaving Germany so soon our trip needed to come sooner than later and someday became today.
I was excited not only to travel to a new country ... but especially excited to share something with Sam something he was so excited about, something he wanted to do.
I rarely get to see the places he travels to ( and for good reason...) Sam and I together on a trip......
This is a good thing.... plus my inner Carpe Diem said why not now?
This is a year of possibility right....... I have to tell you..... more warn you it was 3 days of 2 people taking pictures with 2 cameras.....
2 people who love to take pictures..... I am going to try to limit my enthusiasm as not to bore you too much with " vacation pictures".
I fell in love with Split the moment we landed it's tiled roof tops,
the sunshine and palm trees,
the gorgeous turquoise water of the Adriatic sea......
The people are so friendly and welcoming. This city I had a thing for windows, so expect a few posts on the windows of Split the are so fun and unique....
Our "apartment" wasn't ready when we first arrived so Sam and I had to wheel our luggage around town for 7 hours until our "apartment" was ready....
Remind me to write a letter to the luggage company how amazing the wheels are to endure cobblestone, rock, marble, asphalt and endless stairs for 7 hours.......The sun and the sea were just the winter remedy I needed.
I feel ready for spring actually excited about spring ready to see what is around the corner what the future holds.
( NO ... nothing on where we are moving yet ( sigh)..soon I hope). I am ready to be more live with possibility more and positively move forward....
Yes the trees back home have leaves now and the flowers are beginning to sprout..... things are definitely looking up....
Time to do some spring cleaning...metaphorically speaking and literally clean the cobwebs and winter gloom from our minds and our homes..... look for signs of hope and the future get ready to relish the summer and live in our own possibilities......

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