Monday, November 17, 2008

And Then Came The Couches.....

The new couches have already become the stuff of legends and I admit I wanted it that way. The couches have become such a comical and silly saga it is almost ridiculous. They also symbolize how the little stuff gets in the way of the big stuff. Sam and I have never owned a new couch.... odd yes.... why you ask? Well I am very glad that you asked. Sam and I have never been able to agree on a couch. The first set we owned Sam had before we met..... And after 2 of the four kids it was time for them to go...... plus we were in a move that weight was an issue and they were huge. Next 2 free couches..... very uncomfortable..... but extremely useful.......Then there was the folding couch oh yes the folding couch. During our stay in New York Sam and I bought a folding leather and wood couch, yes it was horribly uncomfortable and as strange as it sounds. Sam and I had figured we would shop and find a couch in New York that we liked. We shopped, we hunted, and we sat on, tested, viewed, and pondered at least 12 couches....... In 10 months we still had the folding couch. Then another move and 2 more kids we had another used couch we bought from friends who were moving..... just to avoid the folding couch from New York. Again Sam and I thought we would shop, ponder, and hunt for a new couch....... Two deployments and 2 and 1/2 years later we sold the "party couches" as they came to be known. Horribly uncomfortable and the topic of comic conversation of the visitors that came to see us in California. They were great for late night feedings for the twins. When we sold them the sale price came into dispute Sam wanted more I wanted them gone...... They again became a topic of conversation for several days. Now we have moved to Germany and it was time to be serious about a couch. I mean after all we are grown -ups and we need some sense of style. We have nothing to sit on and we have three years before we move so there is no excuse....... It became a quest, a challenge.... a new mission impossible.........We started with the want ads.... after all I am sure there are many friends with the same weight issues with a move just in reverse....... Oh yes there were beige couches (Sam was thrilled he loves Beige) ...(Heather was frightened four kids and beige plus yuck how boring)..... Now you see why finding a couch can be a challenge.... The many couches listed were at least 3 hours away...... (Sam thought sure why not)...(Heather thought I am not driving 3 hours for another uncomfortable couch in a color I hate)....... See the saga of years is still alive and well......... Finally the voice of reason came to roost.... ( Our trip 2 hours north and to France didn't produce a couch and Sam figured that maybe 3 hours for a couch was far)....... Then there were three trips to IKEA to sit on very firm square couches that were low to the floor.....(see giant 6'3 Sam try to get up from a low couch)...... Then there were the trips to Moma a German furniture store...... (see even lower couches and even more square couches, and then there was the couch with the giant elephant.... and of course the one that couch that had no arms) There was the nicest German store clerk who greeted us and eagerly spoke English and asked what couches were like in America..... He couldn't imagine why we asked if there were couches higher off the floor. German couches we have encountered have about 2 inches of clearance from the ground and that is considered elevated. Then there were three more beautiful German furniture stores.....With more low couches, missing arms....I think armless is this seasons style..... Then of course there are the couches with metal rings around the firm cushions........ Hysterical laughing ensued at one store when Heather needed help out of a very very deep couch....... it could have been a bed the German /English language exchange was pretty funny also........Then there was the bright blue bean couch.......There were trips to the PX to see way over priced couches in very scary colors that even Heather and her affinity for color had to shun her eyes from....... Finally one rainy Veteran’s day Sam and Heather left for the PX vowing not to return until a couch had been found..... I was thrilled that Sam agreed if we didn't "love" the couch I could sell it before we left citing weight as the issue before the move.....With "Get out of Jail Free" card I felt better about seeking a couch. Sam felt better having pinned Heather down to a color close to beige and comfortable pillows.......We walked in and right in the middle of the walkway was a beautiful couch and loveseat. What good fortune!..... It had a neutral sage/beige tone to please Sam. It had curved arms to please Heather with color pillows and wood detail.......Finally a couch we could live with...and it was on was the last one and it had been found in the warehouse just that morning..... YEAH !!!!!! Way to many years, too many conversations and many driving hours searching. A couch had been procured!!!!!! Now the rain outside was coming down in sheets........ We had the Sequoia emptied and seat free but would our beloved Sequoia hold a couch? Bubble wrapped couches, 550 cord....and Sam and Heather in the rain we discovered that a loveseat will fit in the Sequoia (so does a full mattress and box spring as well as 4 kids 3 adults and 14 pieces of luggage) The long couch had to go on top of the Sequoia on the roof rack ( it may hold alot but a regular couch and a loveseat is a bit much to fit inside)..... double bubble wrapped......... A one hour drive home through the winding streets of Stuttgart with many stares and odd looks we arrived home in the dark with couches, and yes it was still raining...... Now for those of you who have seen Sam and I in person.... Sam 6'3 Heather 5'1..... We have moved a lot of furniture together. A typical and lmost common conversation while moving... Sam to Heather " lift it up it is like you are dragging it on the floor" Heather to Sam " I am lifting it up it is at my waist I'm not that tall need to go first" Sam to Heather "lift it up, and move faster" Heather to Sam " I am squished, it is lifted up I am short"........ Yes it looks as silly in person....and yes inevitably it is a very heavy very tall piece of furniture we are trying to maneuver up stairs or in some strange and odd corner. Now add darkness, rain and a concrete stairwell that is three flights to our front door..... this equals argument......... I know more Heather math just like 4 kids touching the sides +1 tent= Mom sleeping in a puddle...... 2 couches+ rain+ stairs+ a short wife+ darkness= argument....... Math aside Sam and I made it to the top with the loveseat..... and yes the typical " Heather lift it up " conversation happened.... I had it at my shoulders..... At least after all this time I have learned to make him go up the stairs first so I don't end up getting pushed with the furniture :)....... I pleaded and begged and convinced a neighbor to help Sam with the long couch..... I am a smart girl who loves her husband and would like to stay married..... Finally without further adieu the couches make their debut and the couch saga has hopefully been put to rest.... now maybe we could tackle the tube of toothpaste debate...... drum roll please.........
The New couches that finally Sam and Heather could agree upon......... comfortable stylish and full of color...... the 4 kids sat on them first.:) I'll have to take a picture in three years.....

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