Monday, October 6, 2008

New House, New Adventures, New approach

3 Things I Like so far
1. the windows in my house open tilting in from the top or they can open sideways
very cool..we can air the house from the top of the windows with no safety issues with the little ones....
2. My doors ALL have locks that require a key.... but the key works on the inside or out..... now some might say why have locks on doors... those of you saying that do not have toddlers who get into everything.... I can lock a bathroom door and not worry about medicine getting into little hands.... especially those that have figured out doors and safety locks...... also little P & H can not lock themselves in their rooms....accidentally a problem at our last house...... because Mom can hide keys from little ones!!!!!
3. I can buy awesome fresh made lox sandwich's in all the markets.....and everywhere we go is exotic and new since we are overseas:) the people have been very friendly and helpful

3 things I dislike......
1. There is no target and to ask "where do you buy garbage cans" in German is posing a problem:)
2. This base is separated into 4 sections called barracks they are 30 minutes apart and everything from the grocery store to the offices are scattered..... there are 2 buses that run only once and hour and are often late.....the kids go to the farthest barracks for school it is a 45 minutes bus ride for them in the AM and PM..... but it takes 3 hours and 3 bus changes for me to get there if I need to..... the sad thing is it is about 20 miles away and I could drive it through the city if my car were here in 30 min.
3. Our household items aren't here.... neither is our car... both will arrive if we are lucky by November 7th..... so we have to take the base buses... or walk to the city buses ( the city buses are awesome !!!!) and we only have the clothes from our suitcases that we flew here is getting cold......

So far though Sam and I have had a chance to go to the downtown center via the U ( a city tram system) which is awesome and very easy to use the downtown is very nice see a few pictures......
I went to Munich to meet my friend Jenny by train and her husband Tony for Oktoberfest..... but that will be a whole different post :)

The scenery is beautiful the leaves are changing fall has come there is city, and vineyards, and rolling foothills.... I can't wait to post more !

1 comment:

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Overall sounding good and it will get dramatically better once you have a car!!