Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Does the Tooth Fairy pay in Euro or Dollars?

Since we have moved to Germany T has lost 3 teeth. One tooth came out our first week here in the hotel. Of course there were many questions about her finding the tooth. The kids didn't ask at all but I said to Sam does the tooth fairy pay in Euro or Dollar? Of course as an adult I would hope she paid in Euro.... the exchange is better. Alas the Mom side of me won out and paid in Dollar because for T it felt more like home...and he knows what a dollar is. We hadn't covered the "new" money situation yet. T was very excited that just one week later he lost another tooth. The tooth fairy came and paid in Dollars again too. Finally, 1 and 1/2 weeks later a third tooth fell out. Of course by this time all the kids were happy to gather round and oh and ah over the "icky" blood. Giggles abound, and of course the third time was when the Euro/Dollar question came out. H was hoping for a Euro for T ( he has figured out that they have a 2 Euro coin and he knows he likes these). T however hoped that the fairy paid in dollar since he knew what to do with that. The fairy once again came in dollar form.....although the tooth fairy has to be honest at this point she is cleaned out of dollars...and has more Euro. It is a busy season for the tooth fairy here. Happily T has 3 new adult teeth he loves to show to anyone who will look. It is hard to believe that T will almost be done loosing teeth...... I can't believe he is that old.

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