Sunday, November 29, 2009

A long while

It has been a long while since I have written anything...... odd , yes even for me to be gone for so long. I haven't written because sometimes to many words still can't convey the story. Because sometimes there are to many words that clutter the story. When you are caught between too many and too few words where do you go? Is this really writers block ?

This year is coming to an end, and not soon enough. I would like the New Year to be full of spring , and full of hope, and full of goals being reached, dreams being obtained, positive thoughts being showered on those I love.

Learning to let go of things is a challenge, when I feel as though I have defeated myself. Thanksgiving has come and gone....... and shamefully this year I didn't appreciate what I could be thankful for. I have been upset that Thanksgiving has been over looked by many people and it seems that retail giants feel we should really be focusing on spending money on stuff.

Thanksgiving is more than being thankful the pilgrims survived and found friendship and peace with the native Americans. We should take a moment to pause and think about what we are thankful for. We should pause and reflect as we do on the New Year to think about how much we have and not what we are missing.

I am thankful for friends and family, that this year despite health issues they are here and doing well. That time has healed some things, and that I have so many fabulous people to love. I am thankful I have a home. I have four beautiful children who amaze me daily for both the good and the bad.

My challenges are small compared to some, and while I have been hiding speechless waiting for the right words to express all of it; I am still grateful for the things that I have.

There are everyday moments worth writing about, people worth speaking about, stories worth sharing. Happiness is where we look for it. I will find my voice and the words again to color the posts of this blog, because I am thankful I have a space for those words to be heard.

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