Friday, June 13, 2008

0 to 60 in seconds flat

Well today's theme is Be careful what you wish for may get it all and more :)
Which on the sunny side is excellent but the messy details that make it all happen can be mind boggling. Yesterday I was looking at my various favorite blogs ( see other blogs list on the side of this blog) thinking especially about my friend Rachael and her blog about her life as a navy wife in Japan reading about their trip to the big Buddah. Thinking wow just normal everyday things are exciting there I wish my life was more exciting and "glamorous"... As many of you know Sam and I have been wanting to go overseas at some point in the military career we talk about it a lot. Funny enough I was talking with Jenny on the phone and she and her husband are going to Europe this fall and I was thinking what fun how exciting. I wish we could get over seas orders.......

Then this morning  my life went from 0 to 60
 in 2 seconds flat. Sam had been selected for an overseas assignment to Stuttgart Germany

Yes folks that is right WE HAVE OVERSEAS ORDERS TO GERMANY !!!!!!

now looking for it and the information was fun strange.... it hadn't sunk in yet... Sam would be working for a 4 star Army General and it is an unusual Photojournalist assignment.....

As the day progressed and more details were confessed :) it became a bigger reality. By the afternoon it was official...WE HAVE ORDERS TO GERMANY !

We were all excited.... then the control freak panic set in and my type A went into overload.... Where will we live?  What about school for the kids? How will we shop? Will I have access to medical stuff for T I don't speak German. A chance to travel to all kinds of places while we are there I am more excited about that. Germany can I do ok there? Suddenly a popular European country became a very exotic place and my life got crazy very quickly.

Then I started to think of zen like things like " A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" and " How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time"... it seems over whelming and a bit nervous mixed with the excitement. It doesn't seem real but it is. And so there we have it  We are moving to Germany...with 18 month old twins.

Germany..well the command wanted us there by July...yes July thankfully our base said no they need more time..... so by August or September we have to much to do so much to get done I already have 100 checklist. I am still in a bit of shock . Here we go, and this blog will get a whole lot more interesting for all of you reading this :)

It is exciting and I will blog the process for better or worse I may need the therapy hahahahahha Germany with 18 month old twins. 

I would like to note that all of the featured photographs on this entry are from Google search of Stuttgart not mine :)

1 comment:

rachael said...

Girl, you are going to have soooo much fun in Germany!!!!! I have heard so many wonderful things about that billet. Shawn and I were actually looking into going there after Japan.
Surprisingly, we like living overseas. It was a hard pill to swallow when we first received our orders, but now that we're here it's great learning a whole other culture.
And as far as shopping goes, ONLINE SHOPPING!!! If they don't ship to an FPO address there is a company that will do it for you. I can send you the info.
Congrats on your orders and I look forward to hearing about your adventures.