Monday, April 21, 2008

Brand New Day

 Listening to the song a Brand New Day by Sting I can't help but smile today..... it seems a fitting way to start a new day, a new week, a new season....... it just fits !Last week was a bad week full of rough patches and angst but this week is full of new ideas and Moving on and moving forward..... spring cleaning in a sense. Which I did yesterday.

we also decorated eggs in preparation for passover...... sorry the basket shot is sideways... I'll have to fix that... I LOVE to decorate eggs in spring it is one of my favorites and the kids had a blast H was creative this year drawing all over them with the wax crayon before dying..... S squealed with delight at the eggs and tried to eat them shell and all it was very funny..... P was very interested in stirring the dye cups and did his famous " OHHHHH" sound while stirring.

Passover started last night at sundown and the kids and I were preparing for the meal when the power went out....for 6 hours we had no power ! we ended up eating out for dinner.... I found it funny that once again we were having a very non traditional holiday.... but then I also thought about how fitting it was... I am not one to usually draw religious conclusions but it seemed to be there yesterday.... passover celebrating freedom and fleeing oppression.... the Jewish people had no time to prepare breads or other things in their haste to leave..... so it seemed fitting that we didn't have time to prepare for our Seder either thanks to the power outage we had to make do with what we had.... lucky for us that means a car trip to SM for a restaurant but all the same it seemed fitting and non traditional all at once... plus then just like thanksgiving Sam won't actually miss celebrating the holiday since we did it differently this year :)

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