Sunday, February 6, 2011


They say that time heals all wounds, they say that time is a gift we give to others, they say time well spent will never be wasted... they say time is what we need to give to those we love.... it's all about timing... time is all we have.... time is short.... Time

I think time can be elusive and a mystery...
Time is our greatest ally and our worst enemy....

speaking of time I have been gone for a long time since July.... and with good reason....
In July ... July 9th to be exact time changed... time didn't stand still or speed up it didn't warp it just changed for me and for my children. My soon to be ex husband decided to leave us. At first I thought given time I would use this blog as my outlet, given time I would heal, given time I would flourish and write like I had never written, given time I would be better, given time I would be the person I was meant to be. However that elusive concept of time escaped me and days bleed into weeks and weeks turned into months....

I thought about time a lot how to use it how to plan it how to play it how to save it and how to spend it.... how to watch it and cherish it and how to forgive me all the failing and trapping I put in time. I wished time would make me more graceful & eloquent....

I even thought about the time to start a new blog.....

I would like to write my story here but time doesn't allow for that today....
I want to show you that this caterpillar has had the time to become a butterfly.... but time has left me in a cocoon for now.....

What I can tell you....
Timing is everything....
Time like money is a commodity...
the time is coming for lots of change.....

Time is an interesting concept we all ponder... even scientist who study time will tell you it is only as real as we make it and really time is just a made up thing we use to add order to our days.... Time really doesn't exist... How interesting that thought is the free spirit Heather would like to tell you it is a wonderful possibility to dwell in the time of now and the new .... Practical Heather the mother of 4 kids would like to tell you if it is so made up why am I scrambling to make enough of it, spend it the right way cherish and treasure it and really when will it speed up to solve the things I need it to solve and slow down to savor what I need to relish because time is long and time is short and I need both to make it all work ?

You ask how could one spend so much time thinking about time....
easy it's the same way anyone would sit down and plan or think about a commodity there is a limited amount of.....

I will try to make time to write more and be more I need the time to write....
I will warn you that when the butterfly comes out of the cocoon she may be totally different that this blog may have a new name and new boundaries and a new look.
Time will tell how it all comes out and time will tell who I will be and what I will be doing with my time.
For now I am a full time working single Mom trying to find the time to figure it all out.

1 comment:

Chad Cleven said...

Your words are so beautiful Heather.
Thank you
