Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Camel

"The straw that breaks the camel's back"........
we all use it sometimes as a threat..... a cry for help... or simple to state a fact.....
This past week the straw was an abscessed tooth.....
It blindsided me randomly on Wednesday..... like straw usually does.
Really this event was small in comparison and with sleep and some perspective I see now it really was straw......

I try to inspire I try to laugh and encourage.....
Tomorrow is a new day and we can always be better than the day before.....

Some races are measured in miles and others in inches.......

We have so many metaphors and sayings to restore our faith.....

We look to ourselves and those who love us.....

When really we are in the middle of a journey just trying to keep the wind at our backs.... we can easily get caught up in the trees of the forest.....
instead of seeing the forest from the trees......

"I should " is a phrase we should all banish from our vocabularies....
I should write more, I should love more... I should, I should...
It is almost as bad as What if ......

I found some truths this week.... some ugly truths..... but is it fair to call the truth ugly simply because it isn't what we were hoping it to be ?
whom ever said "the truth will set you free" clearly didn't have a situation where the truth meant that there was no resolution....but clarity..... I think I might rather like ambiguity :)

I am sure you have noticed I am adrift without my compass.....
searching for my voice in a sea of metaphors and sayings.....
I am sleepless... and I have a sound track of music that plays like an anthem for me daily.....
None of it has helped me find my way.......
Somewhere I fell off the path and I need to have faith in everything to find my way back.....

I am going to set some goals.......
I am going to write more and inspire more.... love more and look for the positives more.... and remember that the forest is different from the trees.... and that it is ok to stop and use my compass to find my way back.....

I have so many friends at the moment going through so many life changing things.... I think about them a lot and think about how much I want to make it all right... to help them through.. to help them find their way..... The challenges we are facing both big and small unite us..... we are not alone... whispering in our hearts are words of love and kindness from all of those who love us......
" It is the holes in the lace that render it beautiful " ~ Anam Cara

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