Saturday, September 13, 2008

P. S. I almost bit a mover

Yes sad but true for once in my life I was pushed to the edge of reason and I considered biting a mover! can you imagine. To be fair it was after 3 days of sleeping on the floor with no stuff and less than 2 hours of sleep....and I was mad that I discovered 3 boxes of non papered breakables...and the same mover had been told 4 times not to pack an area on the desk that was labeled not to pack...and the box with said items was already loaded into a crate and sealed before they realized it. years ago on H's first move... he was 2 1/2 at the time a mover tried to pack his room so he bit the mover . now H was never a biter so this took all of us by surprise ... none more than the mover though. H did this without a word or warning..... so the mover gave him a box and he happily packed his own books and some toys..... and happily everyone was bite free for the remainder of the move. I was sitting on the lawn seething with the mover thinking I had finally gone insane and was going to scream at someone. All my worldly goods were splayed out on the lawn for all the world to see. I decided I didn't like the movers packing style, they weren't listening to me and I was downright tired stressed and angry about their organization. The thought however brief crossed my mind about how I wanted to bite them to get them to listen to reason and treat my things better. The rational thought of a woman my age NO... but none the less for fleeting moments in the sun it crossed my mind. Then I smiled and laughed at remembering the story of when H bit the mover and the silliness of my thoughts. Of course poor H will here this story even when he is 40 and I think I will keep it to myself that I wanted to bite the movers myself on a sunny day in CA before our move :) well maybe when H is 50 I'll tell him he maybe old enough to laugh about it too hahahahahh.

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