Friday, July 25, 2008

Yes I'll take 2 passports please.....

The paperwork saga continues...... The flaming messages keep coming......and more people are added to my  "hit" list. We will have 2 passports each in order to go one is an official military passport...which looks identical to our regular passports....and we have to have both.... so please hope hope for us that it will not take the state department the quoted 8 weeks to get them to us...... or Sam will be going and I will be here with the kids for the 8 weeks ...which means for the third year in a row we will be separated from August on.......... and yes that would mean I would have to pack handle to movers ship the car etc. do everything for the move with all the kids by myself.   So to my catholic friends out there I know there is a saint to bury in the yard to sell a house is there a saint to make the state department move paperwork faster????

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