Saturday, May 3, 2008

Down the Garden Path...

so... I am an optimist and seek optimistic avenues.. for discovering ways to publish writings.... this may seem an insurmountable task considering the odds of being published are about as good as becoming an actor :)....... well I have to say here in CA you can't help no matter how far away you live from the city be interconnected to the film industry..... in strange places I find people are connected out here... heck maybe I'll write an anthropological book on the study for the far reaching tentacles of Hollywood.... and the star fever that strikes this state..... the old line from the movie pretty woman " This is Hollywood everybody has a dream"...oddly rings true here. I have seem a very narrow glimpse of this through my friend and actor " The Chad" the hours of work angles and attempts to get ahead..... I always said I could never do it yet oddly I am finding the quest to be published as a book writer is not unlike his path and I may have to re think the whole thing. does that mean I lack conviction? no I still believe nothing is impossible and I could do it eventually but the question remains with limited time and resources should I pick my battle on another battleground for something else I may want even more.

all of this said I have to say in my craze to remain the ever diligent "control freak" that I am I googled my name I do this periodically to make sure I don't show up.... I don't want to..... I know here I am blogging my life like an open book and yet I want to remain anonymous...actually the singer from the band Maroon 5 had a press interview discussing his own feelings on this paradox...... but I digress.. and remember the great news article/blog anti war issue.... well my name comes up..... my moment of  "save me from myself " for all the world to Google for all eternity..... I think I have finally come to terms with this.... but in the whole incident the editor of the article.. who I would still like to choke....or at least stare down and tell off... well he was supposedly going to Iraq to report for the paper he is an editor for.. so me being the naughty girl I am wanted to see if he had the guts to write about Iraq....... no he hasn't thus far but someone with his same name..... has a blog and surprisingly it was full of interesting insight into how or better why not to publish...... I admit it is a mixed note somewhat realist somewhat pessimist... but interesting none the less...  although unfortunate for him he has the same name as the evil editor with no guts....... but again I digress.... so go check out the link it is actually funny and has some good insight into the publishing process.

seriously... I sooo need to figure out how to turn these pictures the right way.... till then enjoy the comedy..:)

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