Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So on my way to blog I was suppose to be knitting....

I LOVE those days where the slate is clean and anything could happen........ yet in a paradoxicalway surprises scare me hahahahah moving on..... well actually that fits the theme today. While I was looking or doing something I was led off in other directions.... full of love friendship and surprises. I heard from My friend Rachael today !!!!!!!!! her blog is listed below in the other blog section she is in japan and I LOVE it when she e-mails because she is wittyand funny and  she always makes me smile so she e-mailed me a quick note and it was awesome..... her baby Riley is here !!!! I am awaiting more details and I am dying to see a picture of that baby !!!! her husband is a photographer too.. you would think we could get exclusives but no .... I am the one who takes the pictures in my family too how funny is that !!!!... and I had a lovely conversation with my friend Jessica.....awaiting her baby no. 2 she also always makes me smile she and her wonderful husband are two of the most genuinely nice people I know, She also makes me smile... so my goal of making sure I talk to someone everyday is happening..... it sounds odd I know but since I have had the twins....and I live in an anti social community... it is hard to talk to another human in a day. Then I got a funny note from Jenny that was awesome to she always has a grounding effect on me ..... I sent pics of sassy girl S with her purse out..... because Jenny can appreciate the love a little girl has for her purse..... :) and I received a good funny note. My little sassy s loves purses it is hilarious..... with 3 boys in the house one of which her twin I knew it could go either way she could have been very girlie or a tomboy...... of course the fact I put dresses shoes and hair-bows on the girl probably stacked the deck hahahahahahh. she is a girl with her own will some tomboy some girlie.... and totally is a riot to watch.....especially when she interacts with her 3 brothers.....who could be a stand up comic routine on their own hahahahahah.... but I digress..... this whole day has been this...... one thought leads to another..... not quite as bad as a If you give a Moose a Muffin day and much funnier hahahahahah.... also a common theme here.

Moving on so I have been reading blogs up a storm in an effort to evolve in my own and wow there are some amazing blogs out there !!!! I may have to feature a post of the day on my site.. which by the way there is a group out there who gives awards to bloggers for "posts" of the day very interesting !!!! so I was reading a blog from my friend Rachael's blog it is a friend of hers..and I LOVED the post it was about Career's and returning to work as a mom, military-wife etc. but mostly about a mom who has been a stay at home mom for awhile and is going to go back to work and what would she be?..the link is here: check it out

in the spirit of this... I could relate totally.... I have gone to school I hold a masters degree I have never used..... and I have no real hard core work experience under my belt I am a stay at home mom and will be for awhile.. I have been "at home on duty" for 7 years... 7 years and yet it feels like yesterday Sam and I made the choice for me to stay home with then little T.......7 years !!!!!! so what will I be when I grow up?... ok get ready for a very good laugh as a small girl I wanted to be a Fashion designer/nurse/bush pilot married to a rock star.......... oh and I was going to have 3 kids.......
but now mmmmmmm... I think Sam is a rock star photographer:)... I do have to sew mend and come up with costumes for the kids..... and with 3 boys I often feel like I am running an ER.......ok ok I am making an attempt to make my daily life a bit more glamorous than it is......

what would I be? What could I be?...... I know I want to travel the world and write..... I would like to plan events..... and I still think someday I would like to fly a plane..... so now what?
How does one do this? and in my journey to find this... because I am a gal who needs multiple things going at once..... how do I find my dreams?

I know that often we wake up and we do find we have everything we ever dreamed of in unusual ways we may not have pictured or imagined them happening......I especially find Sam has taught me this lesson several times...... so in a year where will I be in this Journey to travel and write and plan?

where will you be ... what do you dream...... and Jenny I know you will really want to ........
Liz and Tara... have been job hunting for awhile a scary scary endeavor I commend them for making in a year where will your journey take you? Then there is Pauline... who helps waylaid find their way as a do you put it all together in a neat package to sell to an employer? she is amazing at taking all the loose ends and putting them in their place.....

so I ask all of you.. What would you be......

oh yes and in the spirit of this way laid post hahahah I was on my way to knit the super hero capes I am making for the dynamic duo P & S.. ( I have knit each one of the kids a cape which they love) when I began to read all these blogs..... so now the questions are out there and the blogs are read I am now going to go knit my superhero capes..... Love to all of you I am fortunate to call friends you enrich my life in ways you can't imagine !

P.S. the sideways glance above.. is P being his usual comedian self .... I felt safe posting his pic.... of course when he's 16 he may have words for me hahahahah

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