Sunday, August 31, 2008

swimming in a sea of packing.....

Day 400 of this long drawn out move.......
Ok maybe that is a bit much :) This weekend instead of heading out to relax we have been packing. well when I say we I mean me. I started with the storage items, I know we have to store the china and the antiques. It is hard to see it packed away though, I know we are nomads right now and it is as it should be. I love my great grandmother's china and to know it will be in storage not being used there is a bit of sadness. We cleared out the dining room and put all of the storage items there...including the brand new washer and dryer. Then today we have been separating out stuff that will go in the third shipment of immediate good ( the stuff they fly there less than 1,000 lbs) that has been a challenge. The stuff that needs to follow us quickly is stuff we use a lot almost daily so how do you stash it for 11 days? Of course one thing I have learned with this move is that all of this purging and shifting and packing is a dry run if you will for the real show. This is our dress rehearsal to see what we can go with out and what we need to pack in our suitcases. The kids of course will be fine they have plenty of toys and clothes it is really myself that is having angst over everything being just so. That sums it up in a nut shell really it is control freak me wanting everything to be "perfect" and smooth sailing... which it isn't nor will it :) I can laugh about it . So far so good I have all the storage items in one place and all the plane shipment goods together we'll see if everything stays on course. 5 days until the first set of movers come !!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sending you wishes of good luck!! I hope your shipments go better than our's did...what a nightmare!! One piece of advice, DO NOT let the movers overlap days of each other...meaning do not let movers for your storage be there when your packing household goods...and keep an eye on everything the movers do!!! Don't assume they know how to do anything, because they don't!!!
