Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We are here in Germany !

We finally made it here to Germany !!!!! The flights over went well. I know I have had a lot of notes curious about flying with the twins. Surprisngly everything went "smooth" Security was my biggest worry...we went through security at LAX, Chicago, and then again at Heathrow..... I was pleased we moved quickly and efficently. I am sure from the outside looking in it looked like orgnized chaos. On all three of our flights the flight attendents made a point of telling me how well behaved and well mannered my children were .... A delightful thing that every mother wants to hear !!!!! I asked twice if they were talking about my kids..... with a smile..... Seriously they were excellent kids. T & H have flown several times before so they knew what to do when and the twins were very quiet on the plane and there was no kicking so that made me very happy !!!! We left on Sunday and of course landed on Monday at night. Mondy we went straight to sleep we arrived at 9 pm Germany time. The kids woke up at 2 am wanting dinner......which made sense it was 5 pm California time. We have had to be up early there are 4 parts to the base here and they are 30 minutes apart. We spend a lot of time shuttling between offices are scattered. I am exceptionally please today we have internet for a few hours ( where we are you pay by the hour) I can blog !!!!! and e-mail I finally feel like I have contact with those I love :) I am also very excited to report that we are among the exceptionally fortunate to have housing !!!!! Yes it is true on friday we will move into a lovely brand new 5 bedroom apartment/stairwell house on the 3rd floor !!!!!! Here because of the new command and the ongoing renovations of base housing most families have to wait up to 6 months for a house. Here at our hotel there are families that have been here for 30 days just waiting for temporary housing on base. Our stuff which was boat shipped won't be here until November along with our car so we will have some renatl furniture until then. I am excited. so far the German people have been wonderful nd welcoming. the scenery is beautiful very lush and green the trees are only beginging to turn colors. the weather is foggy and cool most days yesterday we had some late day sun though. Yesterday we walked to a small village called Moreghen it was really nice full of yummy bakeries. I will have pictures here very soon !!!!!

at the moment spell check isn't working......
( it took me a few minutes to get this site in english) I will come back and correct this later.....

1 comment:

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Great that you are there safe and sound and wondering if you might be willing to adopt my wild-child children for a few months just to get them into shape. Then I promise you can send them back to me:)