Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So on my way to blog I was suppose to be knitting....

I LOVE those days where the slate is clean and anything could happen........ yet in a paradoxicalway surprises scare me hahahahah moving on..... well actually that fits the theme today. While I was looking or doing something I was led off in other directions.... full of love friendship and surprises. I heard from My friend Rachael today !!!!!!!!! her blog is listed below in the other blog section she is in japan and I LOVE it when she e-mails because she is wittyand funny and  she always makes me smile so she e-mailed me a quick note and it was awesome..... her baby Riley is here !!!! I am awaiting more details and I am dying to see a picture of that baby !!!! her husband is a photographer too.. you would think we could get exclusives but no .... I am the one who takes the pictures in my family too how funny is that !!!!... and I had a lovely conversation with my friend Jessica.....awaiting her baby no. 2 she also always makes me smile she and her wonderful husband are two of the most genuinely nice people I know, She also makes me smile... so my goal of making sure I talk to someone everyday is happening..... it sounds odd I know but since I have had the twins....and I live in an anti social community... it is hard to talk to another human in a day. Then I got a funny note from Jenny that was awesome to she always has a grounding effect on me ..... I sent pics of sassy girl S with her purse out..... because Jenny can appreciate the love a little girl has for her purse..... :) and I received a good funny note. My little sassy s loves purses it is hilarious..... with 3 boys in the house one of which her twin I knew it could go either way she could have been very girlie or a tomboy...... of course the fact I put dresses shoes and hair-bows on the girl probably stacked the deck hahahahahahh. she is a girl with her own will some tomboy some girlie.... and totally is a riot to watch.....especially when she interacts with her 3 brothers.....who could be a stand up comic routine on their own hahahahahah.... but I digress..... this whole day has been this...... one thought leads to another..... not quite as bad as a If you give a Moose a Muffin day and much funnier hahahahahah.... also a common theme here.

Moving on so I have been reading blogs up a storm in an effort to evolve in my own and wow there are some amazing blogs out there !!!! I may have to feature a post of the day on my site.. which by the way there is a group out there who gives awards to bloggers for "posts" of the day very interesting !!!! so I was reading a blog from my friend Rachael's blog it is a friend of hers..and I LOVED the post it was about Career's and returning to work as a mom, military-wife etc. but mostly about a mom who has been a stay at home mom for awhile and is going to go back to work and what would she be?..the link is here: check it out

in the spirit of this... I could relate totally.... I have gone to school I hold a masters degree I have never used..... and I have no real hard core work experience under my belt I am a stay at home mom and will be for awhile.. I have been "at home on duty" for 7 years... 7 years and yet it feels like yesterday Sam and I made the choice for me to stay home with then little T.......7 years !!!!!! so what will I be when I grow up?... ok get ready for a very good laugh as a small girl I wanted to be a Fashion designer/nurse/bush pilot married to a rock star.......... oh and I was going to have 3 kids.......
but now mmmmmmm... I think Sam is a rock star photographer:)... I do have to sew mend and come up with costumes for the kids..... and with 3 boys I often feel like I am running an ER.......ok ok I am making an attempt to make my daily life a bit more glamorous than it is......

what would I be? What could I be?...... I know I want to travel the world and write..... I would like to plan events..... and I still think someday I would like to fly a plane..... so now what?
How does one do this? and in my journey to find this... because I am a gal who needs multiple things going at once..... how do I find my dreams?

I know that often we wake up and we do find we have everything we ever dreamed of in unusual ways we may not have pictured or imagined them happening......I especially find Sam has taught me this lesson several times...... so in a year where will I be in this Journey to travel and write and plan?

where will you be ... what do you dream...... and Jenny I know you will really want to ........
Liz and Tara... have been job hunting for awhile a scary scary endeavor I commend them for making in a year where will your journey take you? Then there is Pauline... who helps waylaid find their way as a do you put it all together in a neat package to sell to an employer? she is amazing at taking all the loose ends and putting them in their place.....

so I ask all of you.. What would you be......

oh yes and in the spirit of this way laid post hahahah I was on my way to knit the super hero capes I am making for the dynamic duo P & S.. ( I have knit each one of the kids a cape which they love) when I began to read all these blogs..... so now the questions are out there and the blogs are read I am now going to go knit my superhero capes..... Love to all of you I am fortunate to call friends you enrich my life in ways you can't imagine !

P.S. the sideways glance above.. is P being his usual comedian self .... I felt safe posting his pic.... of course when he's 16 he may have words for me hahahahah

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well it has been a few days since I posted last and so much has happened.
About the time we pick up speed on the road to a fresh start there are sometimes "road blocks" it was tough weekend . S had an allergic reaction and landed in the hospital she is ok now but our life has changed a bit... they think she may still be milk and soy intolerant but that she could still be fine by age 2. So we have had to drastically change her diet. She has recovered nicely and is back to her happy little self which makes me a very happy mommy ! T had a tough weekend to as many of you know T has bi polar as well as a mirade of other things. There are so many days I am so torn I wish I could speak his language and understand his world.. then there are days I want to rip my hair out in frustration at the whole situation. This weekend I had a challenging visit with his doctor... not one of my finer moments she poked a raw wound and much to my horror the words spilled out of my mouth and I lost my composure... this was one of my very famous " help save me from myself" moments..... sometimes I wish I could turn off my emotions and be dignified and perfect every moment... but then I would probably have little to write about... or laugh about in my old age .. although again why do I need to get so fired up? of course once again it involved protecting my family...... I swear I really need to not be so territorial...... I always wonder where that emotion comes from. Thankfully I think that things were mended by the end of the appointment but, I still wish I had done better.

I was looking over the comments in my posts and I have to say I was shocked and amazed to see that the author of the Marrakech blog left me a comment !!!!!!!! holy cow I am awe struck her is this amazing woman who is living this amazing life and she has the time to leave a comment on my little blog !!!!! I was shocked and touched it was really cool. and to think I was in shock at opening this blog up..... which brings me to the other topics of this novel length post.

I started this blog on a journey to find a part of myself I had lost in the shuffle of daily life to have an outlet to write and to share with others their thoughts too. I had always hoped to make my blog more interactive and exciting to have it evolve with me. Maybe even someday feature my writings. Reading all these other blogs I feel pale and colorless and I hope to change that someday I hope to have more pictures art links and resources and more of a personal background..... To have this inspirational person even visit this site wow.... it gives me a nudge to try harder strive for more.....

initially I stated her writing style was quirky or unusual.... truly though I don't do it justice it took me awhile to get used to her blog style but it is so unique and different I like the different "voice" and I encourage all of you to go and see it ... it is a wealth of information for all kinds of things and all so fun..... it has taught me so much about blogging..... I am really a novice but maybe someday I will be better:)

speaking of evolutions..... a running theme here I was thinking about the women I have the privilege of calling friends they are as different and unique as can be and I smile I love that ! but several of them are pregnant or have a family or friend that are pregnant.... I was standing at P's dresser pulling things out that he has out grown and I always try to make boxes to send to people I smile as I go through things thinking of who would enjoy what I like that.... what is it about women that we are able to bind together when it comes to family? babies? this whole instant support network appears with a coming child it is amazing and something we inherently share together. I had to think about to I know several of us who would have strong feeling about how children should be or how they should be raised how what the circumstances should be surrounding their births... several of my friends have sisters or family members they are frustrated with over just this.... children out of wedlock or in different situations..... these friend struggle with other's choices it worries them it concerns them..... and yet they are putting aside all these feelings to help prepare for these children coming... what a unique thing about women.... that isn't to say men don't have feelings or don't get excited.. my one fiend's sister is having a baby and her husband was talking to me the other day he can't for the life of him figure out why she is buying stuff for her sister's baby and helping her to prepare when the husband says they have never gotten along before this....... so as I was folding a shirt and  pajama's to send to another friend I was on the phone with another friend who's nephew just had a baby at a young age and her frustrations over the impact this has on everyone's life.. yet she went and celebrated the christening with her family...... so what is it about the miracle of children that bind us together .. maybe bring us together when we were once separate... we all smile we all find that common thread that binds us.... and we celebrate it is this not amazing !!!!!

one of my favorite things about anthropology ( my background) is that the more you study the differences of societies the more you can see just how alike we all are that deep down inside the same things in life are important to us... the same fundamental things bind us together and that we are more alike than we are different.  Everyday I have the privilege of seeing little signs of this everywhere and as different as my friends and families lives are we are all the same in what we want. Shakespeare get a bad rap often because of the cumbersome language ... but I think it is another great reminder of the things that bind us all together  hundreds of years later the emotions depicted in these stories and writings still capture the basic essence of human emotion today we all feel the same things at one point in our life or another at different levels or in different ways but the same. I only hope that this will help us all evolve together into better things for our world. Our paths may all be different but lets hope they all cross at some point to meet for a great party at the end :)

while I hit a few emotionl blocks this past weekend I hope this blog as well as myself evolves into something better everyday !...and that I find great tech suporrt to teach me how :) hahahahahahahahahah

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

whirling Dervish !!!!!

Holy cow today has been a blur of ideas and wow everything is flying at me all at once one idea has lead me to more in unexpected ways and a wealth of information almost too much to absorb has come my way !!!!! I had thought of trying to travel once a year for a month to some exotic place kids in tow... and i have been working out how to make that happen... well low and behold my edition of 2 travel mags have come in the mail yesterday and last night I begin to read about 3 people totally different people who have made travel their buss. ( wow how jealous am I can I so be them !!!!) and how they did it.. well while searching site they suggested to do just this I was lead to 3 other sites that contained so much information that could make it all happen for me that my head is still spinning with all the news and ideas ........

and then I read another article... another doctors office about writing .. my other project at the moment trying to get my books published and I am finding hope in odd places !!!!! I am so excited I felt as though my world had closed in on me and yet over the last week ish I have been trying to change ... despite best sidetracking skills of the 4 kids especially the twins hahahahahah and I have found this wealth of info I feel more optimistic by the moment I can't wait to share with all of you the websites and info too as I know many of you are working on the same things I am !!!

off to read more I can't wait to share !!!!!


While sitting in the multitute of Doctor's office's waiting for T's various and many apointments I often get to read wild magazines I wouldn't normally read... hence the tattoo article in INC. I mentioned before..... well it happened again I read this great article in Budget Travel Magazine...and as you all know I am a vagabond at heart so I went to the website to find more it is sooooo fun I will have to include some of the cool tips for travel I read about they are really quite handy but I digress...anyways so online I found this article it was awsome

and in it is a another fun blog although I haven't completely gotten her style of writing there is some cool stuff

open to anyone

well I did it today Ioffically opened the blog to anyone I am hyperventalating but it is open.... judging by the number of people who previously read the blog I'm sure I will be fine  as not that many want to read my ramblings. :)
But there we have it this blog is open......scary.......

Productive day

I finished my third children's story today so three are ready to go...well typed and ready... till I figure out how to formatt them better for submission..... I am very excited !

Sam's photgraph made it into USA TODAY !!!!!!!! 4-22-08 edition page 4A I am so excited for him..... and several of his IO's noticed so this is even better !

the sun is shinning the kids have been good I even took P & S in the bike trailer while we rode to take H to school today.....

a good day all the way around  and hugs and love to all of my friends and family !

Monday, April 21, 2008

Give Blood

Ok you know how you get to many "signs" that you can't ignore it anymore...well this happened also today/yesterday. I encourage all of you to go out and find a location near you that is either having a blood drive or of course the local blood bank. Recently my uncle who is battling cancer needed a transfusion and I felt so faraway and unable to help..... I was reminded of how my Grandfather regularly gave blood and encouraged everyone who could to do this ..... Then I saw 3 e-mail notices ... one of my favorite TV shows is doing a mass blood drive out here in CA Moonlight ...and it reminded me of the importance of this...... I also found my wonderful husbands blood card while spring cleaning....... Sam is so awesome he donates regularly.... of course due to his deployments he hasn't been able to...... but he does it often and he really believes in this cause. So I am saying go out there and yes of course I am going to go do it myself:)
Go give blood !!!!!!

Brand New Day

 Listening to the song a Brand New Day by Sting I can't help but smile today..... it seems a fitting way to start a new day, a new week, a new season....... it just fits !Last week was a bad week full of rough patches and angst but this week is full of new ideas and Moving on and moving forward..... spring cleaning in a sense. Which I did yesterday.

we also decorated eggs in preparation for passover...... sorry the basket shot is sideways... I'll have to fix that... I LOVE to decorate eggs in spring it is one of my favorites and the kids had a blast H was creative this year drawing all over them with the wax crayon before dying..... S squealed with delight at the eggs and tried to eat them shell and all it was very funny..... P was very interested in stirring the dye cups and did his famous " OHHHHH" sound while stirring.

Passover started last night at sundown and the kids and I were preparing for the meal when the power went out....for 6 hours we had no power ! we ended up eating out for dinner.... I found it funny that once again we were having a very non traditional holiday.... but then I also thought about how fitting it was... I am not one to usually draw religious conclusions but it seemed to be there yesterday.... passover celebrating freedom and fleeing oppression.... the Jewish people had no time to prepare breads or other things in their haste to leave..... so it seemed fitting that we didn't have time to prepare for our Seder either thanks to the power outage we had to make do with what we had.... lucky for us that means a car trip to SM for a restaurant but all the same it seemed fitting and non traditional all at once... plus then just like thanksgiving Sam won't actually miss celebrating the holiday since we did it differently this year :)

1000 words

I won't let our sacrifices our time all be for nothing....... it was all worth it...

The War

I am very aware that many have very strong feelings on this subject. Why just within my circle of friends I have all the extremes and we won't even talk about the wide range of feeling among the diverse group that is my family.. it is rare I get to share my true feelings it is rare I get to put them into words  so stifled is my own voice buried behind the smile of political correctness that  I feel at times I have not had a strong emotions...... or worse yet it has been expressed in odd places in odd ways. The great blog incident is one of those and at the time I was so angry I couldn't see straight but that involved my husband and I am fiercely protective of what is mine own circle so.... a friend of mine who is against the war raised good points at the time as always I knew our views were different and I do believe that differences among people make our bond stronger and I do consider her a friend but did I really speak the truth? I didn't but at the time I was wrought with emotion over the miss use of my husbands hard work. I was angry and there is a ding in our friendship...... one that will fade with time and certainly not destroy it but it is there and I am still angry but not just at my friend at all the anti war protesters  yes I am angry with anti war sentiments.... does that make me a republican or evil NO !!!!!!!! I am a clearly defined independent and I stand by that.... since when  did this issue become a political one? and if one more person says to me it is allllllllll about politics I will SCREAM !!!!!! do I support the war HELL YES !!!!! why because my husband is in the military NO !!!!!!! this is me I have my own thoughts and opinions free and clear of anyone including my husband... that all said I will lay it out here loud and clear because thanks to the stupid media and stupid anti war protestersthose of us who support the war have no other forum in which to spill our thoughts with out being persecuted.....

I do not want ANY of my children to live in fear..... I do not want ANY of my children to have to wear a Burka or any other type of religious garb unless they choose to do so of their own FREE will... I want my children to have the right to choose their path in this life to be FREE and clear to find their calling to work and live FREE....  To have an education that is FREE of some stupid agenda.....and I get tired of so many asking me how a war over oil... which it is NOT over OIL so far away can mean anything to us..... or effect us..... WAKE UP people the world is a bigger place than we give it credit for their are terrorist cells waiting on our soil to take us over from within and this is not the rambling of some half wit who believes in conspiracy theories. This is the reality we find terrorist cells in this country everyday anti war protesters have forgotten this.......

I have the luxury of seeing the photographs that make it to the news groups cutting room floor. I am blessed to be a photographers wife and I see all of the sanctioned and released photos that never make it to the media outlets. I hear the struggle in my husbands voice on the phone as he describes life in Iraq and I thank god everyday that I am lucky enough to be here in America as an American citizen I lead a charmed life full of luxury for which I am so grateful for everyday and I say this in my prayers every night in addition to my prayers to keep those safe who care about others and my husband . I see the whole thing played out in photographs.. It is a beautiful story through all the pain and agony of the Iraqi people there is hope not the cheesy hallmark greeting hope but real life faith that there is more to life than what it is now. A vision to see what the country could be.......

I want peace I want peace with all my heart I want that all over the world for my children and all the children. For ourselves but I put this question to all the stupid anti war protesters out there including my friends......How can you negotiate for peace with terrorist who want you dead? and what about those who aren't fundamentalist?? what happened to their right to live in peace that is who we fight for........ I would love it  LOVE it if we could pull every American soldier and all our allies home to their countries and do nothing but focus on making our country better... but that is not a reality........ and again how can we negotiate peace with terrorist who want our destruction we can't....... so fighting this war in Iraq I support it for peace so that all the people of Iraq who want a future in their own vision whatever that means for them secular no secular etc. it is of their design but that they are FREE to live how they choose...... because anti war folks it is only when people have food water shelter and education that they begin to understand the world and all the complexities and it is only then when they are FREE to live their lives how THEY choose that they are willing to come to the table and talk peace........ not when we leave the innocent to the hands of terrorist bent on destruction ..... it is ugly the road to peace is ugly.... but another quote comes to mind... only when you struggle for something is it truly appreciated.....

I wonder if we look back to our own fledgling nation when we fought for our own independencefrom England. Was it all pretty and civilized no it was war our fore father fought for our freedom and you know they didn't do it alone other nations stood with us to help us fight for our freedom they gave us men or supplies or diplomatic help... and after wards our country was divided in how it should be run...we even had a civil war and you know what we made it with help and patience and perseverance we made it........ and now we fight to help others earn their independence...... so someday they can be peaceful nations and work to make the world better.... the road to peace is full of pain... but in the end it makes peace all that much sweeter

as for it being about oil... if we had done it for the oil...wouldn't we be reaping the benefits by now???? we as a nation have not used one drop of Iraq oil not one drop not even for our bases or FOB's in Iraq not one drop..... and we repair and guard the oil lines with the Iraq's so that any ANY revenue is for the Iraqi people and for their own rebuilding needs it is the stupid terrorist that continue to bomb the oil lines and refineries because they don't want to see the country rebuilt...and the OIL refineries and line have all remained under Iraqi control the entire time.......IT IS NOT ABOUT OIL !!!!!!!

it is about making sure terrorist have one less safe haven to plot attacks against us innocent Iraq's and all the other nations who oppose fundamentalist.

my husband lays his life on the line everyday he has nothing to hide no hidden agenda he has to take pictures just as the scene is. No tricks no hiding anything just pure documentation.... how many media outlets have to uphold those standards????? Sam does this with pride honor and dedication and he like any of his counterparts in any of the branches of the military deserve my devotion and thanks.

yes I am ranting today no I haven't lost my mind the incident on the news website rattled me my friends attack and lack of support for Sam rattled me..... I have let it fester for tooo long some days I wish I could save myself from myself I didn't handle the situation as elegantly as I would have wanted nor did I express myself as I had hoped to .... I was left rattled and shaken by the whole thing to my core....... and worse yet I couldn't fathom why a friend a friend wouldn't support my husband I didn't ask her to change her stance on the war not at all. all I asked was for support of Sam that his hard work not be miss used and to stand up for that..... the whole thing was awful the whole situation. and it became more than it should have really. I wanted to cry.... why do I let my emotions run me? but if my husband whom I admire greatly for his quiet ability to make huge husband whom I admire for always standing up for what he believes in....can stand for something then why not me I may need to save myself from myself and I may not have even expressed my self as eloquently here as I had hoped to .... but this is fraught with great emotion for me for so many reasons and so what if I rant it happens rarely and I feel strongly and I can't let this fester any longer I have to vent and so here it is...... and that is it all out there........ messy untidy full of raw of any semblance of order..... I have some untidy things about my nature I am driven by emotion and sometimes it seems silly I feel exposed or foolish or imperfect... but for those of you who know me deeply know that is my fear being imperfect.... and that is what this is all about confronting fears and trying new things and new approaches... I may regret the untidiness of this rant tomorrow but at least I won't let it fester anymore........ and hopefully you will all still love me despite my flaws... or lack of perfection....... and maybe I can start to forgive my friend and let go of this stupid piece of baggage that is nagging at my heart....... and maybe in the end it is about Sam and all those like him who stand for something and do the things we cannot...... 

Thursday, April 17, 2008


The last few days the truth has become a running theme in all kinds of ways large and small. Why can't we all be honest we laugh at children's honesty sometimes we are embarrassed or reminded of our own faults by children in this matter. But truly why can't we speak the truth at all times. Why do we fear the blunt realities. Maybe they aren't lies when we take anothers feelings into consideration is it really a lie? We often soften our words or we simply follow our mother's advice and hold out tongues... the old saying if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. We praise the notion of being kind to others..... but when did the issue become so black and white. Why can't we be more assertive and speak our minds with out hurting others but still making our thoughts known.... The art of being positively assertive alludes many of us some days we get it others we fail. I know I wish I could be more assertive for myself...and yet there are times I know I should have held my tongue.  If we do speak our minds and it hurts we often regret it because words spoken in anger while true in that moment may not be true at all times.... and so the waters become murky and muddy. Their is a friend of mine whom I admire greatly fr their ability to be so honest and forthright....and yet always considerate of others feelings I truly admire their skill... I strive daily for the ability and finessethey have. One of the inner new years resolutions I set for be more assertive...some of you may laugh and say I have plenty of moxie to be assertive..... true but I need to hone my skills as not to say the wrong thing at the wrong time... but more stand up for myself when I would rather shrink into the wall:) so is this telling the truth or just being assertive because I know I am not a liar I just don't lie..... but there are times I could be more assertive.

I heard from Sam today and was very very happy I was worried it had been awhile since I had heard from him ... but he is ok...this is very good !

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just a Day at the Beach !

Over the weekend the weather was gorgeous unusually warm and nice no wind.. a rarity here so all 4 kids and I headed to the beach it was awesome ! the sun was shining and there wasn't wind so the beach was pleasant... the kids played and had so much fun there were other kids to hang out with  the twins enjoyed it in their own ways S didn't want anything to do with the sand till we were almost ready to go but she did have fun walking and eating apples..... P on the other hand couldn't have had more fun he so enjoyed himself it was like he was meant to be at the beach ! He played rolled in and ate the sand for several hours he loved the water and the wet sand he was having so much fun he laughed so much that day all of us had to smile ! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day all the kids were so good it was just fun.... those days are tooo rare. We walked around the tide pools and actually stayed at the beach all afternoon also rare because usually it is so cold and windy we can stand about 45 minutes. it was the best ! I can't wait for Sam to come home and go to the beach family days will be really great.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What If.....

What if..... two simple words that make us crazy.... how many times a day do ask this question? Sometimes these are bigger what if's ...what if I quit my job...What if I move.....what if what if. we could ask ourselves this question a million times a day especially if you are like me and constantly ask what if.  Many of you reading this have probably already asked yourself at least one what if question. Some of us actually dare to answer the bigger what if's and many of us answer little ones a 100 times a day.... what if I go to see a friend today what if I take 5th home instead of 4th what if I make time to go to the gym.....For those who dare to ask the bigger what if's like what if I quit my job and travel...what if I leave this job to start my own business? most of the time we read about these inspirational stories and often no matter how hard the journey the pay off is big; met with success or at the least a great personal journey of discovery that leads us to something else. So why don't we answer more of these what if questions if most of the time they are met with success? If the pay off is big no matter the journey or it leads to a happier better us then why don't we answer more of these what if's? Are what if questions the gateway to regrets? I feel very optimistic like nothing is impossible and I often sought out what if's and now I don't ......what changed? do you find yourself saying the same thing? What if we all answered more of our What if questions?   the phrase "what would you achieve if you weren't afraid to fail" or something of the like comes to mind right now...... but is that all the what if questions are? Do they just amount to things we wish we were doing? or are they simpler like what if I go to the store now instead of Monday. what if ..... What if's were neither positive nor negative? As you see these things can get quite carried away swirling in a cloud of what if's. This week I think I may try to answer at least one what if everyday..... maybe if I practice I will be bold enough to answer a bigger what if that comes along. How about your thoughts? How about your what if questions?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Open to Anyone? are we ready?

Ok I am a picture gal so finally pictures... although I still am not sure about putting pics of the kids on.....

I am also wrestling with letting anyone view this I brave enough to put it out there for anyone? and will Sam freak out hahahahah..... will I? 
any  thoughts from my peanut gallery....

risk nothing gain nothing is coming to mind...

I am very excited about the book I am writing right now... Little bits of Ribbon.. it is a children's book.... I was all fired up to be writing again and I am more than 1/2 way through and I am excited about this one the most I have several others finished but I'm not as excited about them. However...and Mary this will speak to you I was reading just yesterday that for every 10,000 manuscripts submitted only 3 children's books are published !!!!!!!! wow I knew it would be a long journey but wow.

quote for today..." The real price of everything is the toil and the trouble of aquiring it" -Adam Smith Wealth of Nations 1776

So the sun was shining today it is was warm which is awsome because it has been cold and foggy here for a week I was so excited and driving home from Santa Maria...for the 2nd time today I had songs playing and 4 kids in the car surprisingly they were quiet and I had the song 100 years by five for fighting playing and P #3 son was swaying and shifting his head to the music in the was so cool the sun was shining in it was great.....then of course as all the mother's out there know the peace was broken with H saying S looked at him and "when were we going to be home" and "what was for dinner" and so and so did this.......etc etc...

on a side note you know how something sticks in your mind and you keep going back to it often...well a couple of months ago I read this great article it was strange to begin with because the article was about the tattoo business and I don't particularily like tattoos no offense to those who have them more power to you I could never commit to aything that permanent hahahah and just because it isn't for me doesn't mean that others can't have one...that said I'm not a fan but this article was awsome this guy is expanding his market share and has reshaped the business in this amazingway from a marketing standpoint this is pure genius how he did this I mean I was enthralled with this guys marketing ideas and his whole approach it was really inovative so I have to say go find this article and read it it is just awsome !!!!!! I was at the same office today where I read it months ago  so it popped up again

it is in INC. magazine the December 2007 issue and the article is called King Ink on page 98
for you business friends out there Pauline Liz and Jenny you have to read it this guys ideas are just so interesting and his new products how he has changed the whole industry it is fascinating

Ok the twins have managed to open and cause mayhm and disarray to everything in the house and it is bedtime here at the off for now ! hugs to all

Rachael my blogging expert if you are reading how do I list blogs on the side like your site and do you have your blog open to anyone?

The First Post

Well Months ago I thought about Blogging, but as many of you know I am a very private person as is Sam so the thought of putting my thoughts out there as food for the world is a bit un-nerving. But we only live once, and we should all try new things even if they scare us, and I am an open book to my friends anyway:) My friend Rachael has a blog and it is fun to click in and see how she is so I have to mention that she inspired me in some way to start blogging. To my other friends Chad and Pauline who would like to see me enter this centuries technology...this is the first baby step you both also inspired me....and yes I will get a cell phone.....when we move. And Liz is is always encouraging me to look for other ways to my dream  no matter how odd they seem at the time. To Jenny who encourages me to journal the process of becoming me your inspiration is hopefully put to good use also.   So off we go on a new adventure. I sit and write and believe me I could write a novel I love to write but the question looming in my head today as I embark on this blog will anyone want to read this blog? Who wants to share my wild thoughts and ideas? will this just cement in everyone's mind that I am truely insane?  Or the optimistic side of me says maybe this is the begining of an unusual path to my writing books. I'm still not sure I am ready to share pictures, names especially of the kids ! we'll see I have been down the last 2 days which is odd for me the eternal optimist, but then my friend went home, and Sam is still gone and my eldest is still challenging my sanity and the youngest is keeping me perhaps that is it.  Oldest had a good orthodontist visit, I cleaned the pig's cage George Washington our resident guinea pig Named by my No.2 son ...and if I say so myself is the cutest pig ever feed the other kids zoo lunch started a blog and scrapbooked 2 pages cleaned 2 rooms all before Noon hahahahahah well hopefully this blog will become more interesting as time goes on love to you all and stay tuned for better posts :) and the link included with this post feature's some of Sam's recent pictures from Iraq on other